Docket UT-971688 Page 1 BEFORE THE WASHINGTON UTILITIES AND TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION In The Matter of the Application ) of U S WEST COMMUNICATIONS, ) DOCKET UT-971688 INC., for an Order Granting Authority ) to Transfer Assets to U S WEST ) ORDER GRANTING WIRELESS, LLC. ) APPLICATION ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ) On November 26, 1997, U S WEST Communications, Inc. (USWC), filed an application with the Commission pursuant to the provisions of chapter 80.12 RCW for an order authorizing transfer of assets from USWC to U S WEST Wireless, LLC (USWW). The property to be transferred consists of tools described in Exhibit “B” of the application herein. The net book value of the property was $248,069 as of October, 1997. The tools will be transferred at net book value, which is greater than or equal to their market value. The transfer is necessitated by the Federal Communications Commission’s recent order requiring USWC to offer wireless personal communications services to consumers in the state of Washington through a separate subsidiary. FINDINGS THE COMMISSION FINDS: 1. U S WEST Communications, Inc., a Colorado corporation, is a public service company subject to regulation by this Commission under the provisions of chapter 80.12 RCW. 2. As to form, the application filed herein meets the requirements of chapters 80.12 RCW and the rules and regulations adopted pursuant thereto. 3. It appears, upon investigation, that the transfer of certain property described herein, is reasonable and consistent with the public interest and should, therefore, be approved. O R D E R THE COMMISSION ORDERS: 1. Subject to the conditions of this order, U S West Communications, Inc., is hereby authorized to transfer assets described in Exhibit “B” of the application herein to U S WEST Wireless, LLC. 2. This order shall in no way affect the authority of this Commission over rates, services, accounts, valuations, estimates or determination of costs, or any matter whatso-ever that may come before it, nor shall anything herein be construed as an acquiescence in any estimate or determination of cost, or any valuation of property claimed or asserted. DATED at Olympia, Washington, and effective this 31st day of December, 1997. WASHINGTON UTILITIES AND TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION PAUL CURL, Acting Secretary