MEMORANDUM DATE: November 19, 1997 FROM: Steve Rieger TO: Dixie Linnenbrink Dennis Lloyd SUBJECT: Docket Number UG-971497; Service Area Expansion Request Cascade Natural Gas Corporation ****************************************************************************** On October 6, 1997, Cascade Natural Gas Corporation (Cascade) submitted a request to expand its service area in Kitsap County. The intent of this expansion is to allow Cascade the ability to serve a customer west of the communities of Chico and Silverdale. Cascade has proposed the installation of approximately 4800 feet of two inch polyethylene (PE) main from an existing four inch, intermediate pressure PE main. Initially, Cascade is proposing to provide natural gas service to Kitsap County Fire Station #56. The requested area of expansion has obvious indications of development and growth potential. Consequently, Cascade has indicated that the company is anticipating the expansion of its gas distribution system into the area in the near future. Cascade has proposed that construction begin prior to the issuance of the amended Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity and then make gas service available immediately upon receipt of the amended certificate. On October 23, 1997, I conducted an onsite inspection and review of the area in question. At that time, construction of the fire station was in the early phase. I do not anticipate that the station will be completed until after the amended certificate has been issued. Mr. Merton Lott assisted with the evaluation of this request by reviewing the economic feasibility of the proposal. Using Cascade’s data and appropriate tariffs (Rule 9 - Main Extensions) and rate schedules (Rate Schedule No. 504), staff was able to verify the economic feasibility calculations that Cascade submitted in this request. Cascade has stated that this main extension is justified because Cascade will receive a contribution equal to the amount required to make it feasible. The customer will contribute $22,085.00 in the form of Cascade’s Main Refunding Contract. At this time, with the data that was provided by Cascade, there is no reason to believe that this request will result in any adverse impact upon the existing rate base and should not be approved. Therefore, staff recommends that the Commission accept and approve this request for service area expansion as submitted by Cascade Natural Gas Corporation.