Agenda Date: February 11, 1998 Agenda Item: Docket: UT-971469 Rules relating to prepaid telephone services. Staff: Mary Taylor, Consumer Program Specialist Vicki Elliott, Consumer Affairs Manager Fred Ottavelli, Program Consultant Bob Wallis, Review Judge Recommendation: Direct the Secretary to file a proposal statement of inquiry (CR-101) in Docket No. UT-971469. Discussion The Commission does not currently have rules which speak directly to prepaid telephone services. Prepaid telephone services would include, but are not necessarily limited to, items such as telephone debit cards. Debit cards are sold in various denominations and allow the card holder to place calls by dialing an access code and authorization code. As calls are placed using the card, the charges for the completed calls are deducted from the prepaid amount of the card until it is depleted. Typical users of debit cards may include individuals that are traveling away from home; individuals that do not have their own telephone service; and students. Debit cards are a fairly new product offered to the general public only in the last several years. Staff is aware of a number of problems that have recently surfaced regarding prepaid services such as debit cards. In particular, staff has received informal complaints which indicate that many consumers are not fully informed and, therefore do not understand, consumer and company rights and responsibilities for debit card purchase and use; consumers with problems or concerns are not able to contact the carrier; and advance payments are not adequately protected by current performance bond guidelines. Staff has identified general categories that may be included in the proposed rulemaking, designed to address these problems: •Develop a definition of prepaid services. •Ensure adequate disclosure to the consumer: 1) The requirement that carriers be required to disclose, at the time of purchase of debit card, the underlying carrier’s name and toll free number; a description of the calling area capabilities; and an explanation of the rate structure, expiration and recharge policy and call timing and rounding policy. 2) The requirement that end users be informed of the time remaining on each card at the beginning and end of each call; and notified when the card approaches depletion. Docket UT-971469 February 11, 1998 Page 1 •Ensure adequate access to the carrier: The requirement that carriers provide a toll-free number for consumer access; and a contact name and number for Commission staff. This requirement would include an appropriate level of company staff so that access is timely. •Ensure protection of advance payments: While the recommendations in this section have not been developed, staff will consider how the Commission will establish and monitor adequate financial resources of interexchange carriers or in the alternative assure maintenance of trust accounts or performance bonds sufficient to cover any customer advances or deposits. •Explore the need for limiting debit card denominations: Staff has not made recommendations in this area, but will consider limiting the denominations of cards sold within our state by rule. Currently, staff relies on a policy that limits residential debit cards to $50 and business cards to $200. Staff will schedule stakeholder meetings and/or workshops and provide opportunity for written comments as the rulemaking progresses.