Agenda Date: May 28, 1997 Item Number: Dockets: UW-961509 and UW-970808 Company Name: Roche Harbor Water System Staff: Dan Sherry, Revenue Requirements Specialist Diana Otto, Service Examiner Penny Hansen, Public Involvement Coordinator Recommendations: Issue an Order Effecting Withdrawal of Tariff Revisions and Dismissing Complaint and Order Suspending Tariff Revisions in Docket UW-961509. Approve tariff revisions in Docket UW-970808 filed May 13, 1997, to become effective by less than statutory notice with an effective date of May 30, 1997. Discussion: On November 27, 1996, Roche Harbor Water System (Company) filed to add facilities construction charges of $3.85 per 1,000 gallons consumed for metered rate service and $15.35 per month for flat rate service to become effective January 1, 1997. The proposed facilities construction charges were to cover construction costs of two capital improvements: (1) a Westcott Bay Estates water main replacement and (2) a new water storage tank. At the Commission’s December 30, 1996, Open Meeting, the Commission suspended the filing. On May 13, 1997, the Company requested permission to withdraw the filing. The Company’ s last rate increase was effective October 1, 1994. Roche Harbor Water System serves 348 metered customers and 4 flat rated customers on San Juan Island. A Department of Health (DOH) representative has indicated to the staff that the two above mentioned capital improvements are valid, needed, and required by DOH. Both capital improvements are included in the Company’s DOH approved “Water System Plan.” On May 13, 1997, the Company filed tariff revisions in Docket UW-970808, at lower levels than those in Docket UW-961509, to allow for an estimated annual $61,599 general rate increase (an estimated $307,996 over the next 5 years). The Company has requested that these tariff revisions be allowed to become effective by less than statutory notice with an effective date of May 30, 1997. The new tariff sheets bear inserted effective dates of July 1, 1997, which recognize statutory notice as required. The Commission received six letters opposed to the original request. The Commission received one complaint concerning water quality (smell and taste). However, investigation revealed that the water is meeting state standards. The customer was advised and the complaint was closed. The present, proposed withdrawn, and proposed current monthly rates are as follows: Proposed Proposed Present Withdrawn Current Metered Rate Service; >Minimum Charge for under 5,000 gallons $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 >Facilities Construction Charge per 1,000 gallons* 0.00 3.85 2.86 $25.00 $28.85 $27.86 >Between 5,000 and 10,000 gallons per 1,000 gallons $ 3.00** $ 3.00** $ 3.00** >Over 10,000 gallons per 1,000 gallons $ 5.50** $ 5.50** $ 5.50** Flat Rate Service: $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 >Facilities Construction Charge* 0.00 $15.35 $14.75 $25.00 $40.35 $39.75 Dockets: UW-961509 and UW-970808 May 28,1997 Page 1 * This proposed charge would apply to all water customers in the Company service area and would expire on June 1, 2002, or upon recovery of the principal loan amount of $242,000, plus applicable loan fees and interest charges, whichever occurs first. ** In addition to the monthly minimum charges. The Company has worked with its customers in preparation for this filing. It held a community meeting in the spring of 1996 to discuss construction plans and methods for financing those activities. It has also met with a water committee set up to represent customers. As a result of those meetings, the customers preferred a charge based on consumption, rather than an increase or surcharge on the flat rate portion of the water rates. The proposed current rate increases of $2.86 per 1,000 gallons consumed (metered) and $14.75 per month (flat rate), if approved, would become effective May 30, 1997, and remain in effect for no more than five years ending June 1, 2002. Over the five year period the proposed rates would generate an estimated $307,996 of customer contributions. The new water storage tank has been completed at a cost of $84,787. Bills and invoices totaling that amount have been paid or are now due. The company received three bids for the anticipated 1997 construction of the Westcott Bay Estates water main replacement. The bids ranged from $153,117 to $182,336. The Company chose to accept and soon go forward with the lowest bid of $153,117. After Commission action on this filing, the Company has made arrangements to soon take out a loan for $242,000 to pay for the new completed storage tank and the anticipated 1997 construction cost of the Westcott Bay Estates water main replacement. The staff recommendations are to (1) Issue an Order Effecting Withdrawal of Tariff Revisions and Dismissing Complaint and Order Suspending Tariff Revisions in Docket UW-961509, and (2) approve the tariff revisions in Docket UW-970808 filed May 13, 1997, to become effective by less than statutory notice with an effective date of May 30, 1997.