Docket Number: Date Page 1 Agenda Date: January 22, 1997 Item Number: Docket: UT-970010 Company Name: U S WEST Communications, Inc. Staff: Tom Spinks, Regulatory Consultant Recommendation: Issue a Complaint and Order Suspending Tariff Revisions in Docket UT-970010. Discussion: On January 3, 1997, U S WEST Communications, Inc., filed tariff revisions to introduce what it terms an Interconnection Cost Adjustment Mechanism (ICAM) transition fee. The company states that “The ICAM transition fee recovers specially mandated interconnection costs associated with systems, network arrangements, and business office processes.” The costs are proposed to be recovered through either an exchange access line surcharge of $.76 per month or by direct monthly charges to competitors ranging from $9,000 to $144,000 per month depending on the whether the competitive local exchange service provider (CLEC) was an interconnector, unbundler, or reseller. The cover letter states that the company does not object to the inclusion of this Advice in the generic interconnection proceeding, Docket UT-960369 et al. Staff believes the issue of consolidation should be addressed in that proceeding by the parties. The Commission has put the generic cost proceeding on an expedited schedule with a limited number of witnesses. Therefore, expanding the scope of that proceeding may not be appropriate. The Commission received a letter of January 24, 1997, from a coalition of companies including TCG, Shared Communication Services, Northwest Payphone Association, NEXTLINK, MFS, Metronet, MCImetro, ELI and AT&T urging the Commission to reject the ICAM filing outright. Staff recommends the Commission issue a Complaint and Order Suspending Tariff Revisions in Docket UT-970010.