BEFORE THE UTILITIES AND TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION In the Matter of the Request by Cascade ) Natural Gas Corporation for a Waiver to ) DOCKET NO. UG-961347 Operate High Pressure Service Sets and ) Natural Gas Service Lines at Pressures ) ORDER GRANTING Greater Than 500 psig Within Five ) WAIVER Hundred Feet of Buildings Intended for ) Human Occupancy (WAC 480-93-020). ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ) On October 18, 1996, Cascade Natural Gas Corporation filed a request for a waiver of WAC 480-93-020, Proximity considerations, to allow the Company to operate high pressure service sets and natural gas service lines at pressures greater than 500 psig within five hundred feet of buildings intended for human occupancy in Whatcom County. FINDING OF FACT 1. On July 21, 1971, Cascade Natural Gas Corporation requested from the Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission a waiver under Rule 3 of the Commission’s Rules and Regulations to operate a natural gas pipeline at a maximum pressure in excess of 250 psig within 100 feet of any building intended for human occupancy. More specifically, the Company requested approval to construct and operate a sixteen inch, high pressure pipeline in Whatcom County at a pressure of 550 psig with an maximum allowable operating pressure of 600 psig. On July 26, 1971, the Commission approved the request. 2. The pipeline was initially constructed and operated to provide natural gas to industrial users such as the ARCO Refinery and the INTALCO Aluminum Facility near Ferndale. As a result of the natural gas pipeline being in close proximity to the rural residents in the County, many residents requested natural gas service. With the sparse population and the large distance between buildings, the Company determined that an intermediate pressure distribution system was not economical or feasible and relied upon high pressure farm taps or high pressure service sets (HPSS) as the mechanism to provide the appropriate pressure natural gas service to the end user. 3. Some residents are within 500 feet of the sixteen inch, high pressure pipeline or the HPSS operating at a pressure in excess of 500 psig. 4. The Company has provided a list of high pressure service sets and associated service lines in Whatcom County, ATTACHMENT 1 - Summary of all HPSS off HP lines, for which the Company has requested a waiver of WAC 480-93-020. 5. The Company and Commission staff have evaluated the facilities in question to determine if public safety is compromised by the operation of the existing HPSSs and natural gas service lines. Docket UG-961347 Page 2 6. Staff has compiled a list of facilities for which it thinks public safety is not compromised and a waiver of WAC 480-93-020 is recommended and attached (Appendix A). ORDER THE COMMISSION ORDERS: 1. The request by Cascade Natural Gas Corporation for a waiver of WAC 480-93-020, Proximity considerations, shall be granted to allow the Company to operate high pressure service sets and natural gas service lines at pressures greater than 500 psig within five hundred feet of buildings intended for human occupancy in Whatcom County for those facilities listed in Appendix A. 2. Cascade Natural Gas Corporation shall submit to Commission staff by February 1, 1998, a list of all remaining high pressure service sets and natural gas service lines in the State of Washington for which a waiver of WAC 480-93-020 or WAC 480-93-030 may be required. 3. Cascade Natural Gas Corporation, in cooperation with Commission staff, shall develop and implement a mitigation plan for those facilities that may compromise public safety and submit a request to the Commission for a waiver of the appropriate WAC regulation for those facilities identified by item no. 2. Any corrective action, required by the mitigation plan, shall be concluded by November 1, 1998. The Company may petition for a variance from this Order if it is determined that an undue hardship may result from the application of this Order. 4. The Commission retains jurisdiction over this matter to effectuate the provisions of this order. DATED at Olympia, Washington and effective this day of January, 1998. WASHINGTON UTILITIES AND TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION ANNE LEVINSON, Chair RICHARD HEMSTAD, Commission WILLIAM R. GILLIS, Commission