BEFORE THE WASHINGTON UTILITIES AND TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION In the Matter of a Filing by Country Water, Inc. to replace its tariff WN U-1 with WN U-2. ) ) DOCKET NO. UW-951475 ) ) ORDER REQUIRING NOTIFICATION ) OF CUSTOMERS REGARDING ) ACCESSORIAL CHARGES ) On December 29, 1995, Country Water, Inc. filed with the Commission, replacement tariff WN U-2, replacing in its entirety the current tariff of Country Water, Inc., WN U-1. Replacement tariff WN U-2 is proposed to become effective February 1, 1996. Country Water, Inc., filed for various non-recurring accessorial charges to their tariff. Pre-notification to customers was not given. Pursuant to review of the filing, the Commission finds that the carrier should be required to provide notice to its customers in the next billing period by a bill statement or bill insert. O R D E R IT IS ORDERED That the tariff filed in this docket shall become effective February 1, 1996, and Country Water, Inc., shall notify all customers of the accessorial charges now included in their tariff. Said notice to take place on or with the next customer billing notice. The company shall, at the time notice is provided to customers, file a copy of the notice with the Commission. DATED and signed at Olympia, Washington this 31st day of January, 1996. WASHINGTON UTILITIES AND TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION Steve McLellan, Secretary