BEFORE THE WASHINGTON UTILITIES AND TRANSPORTATION COMMISION In the Matter of the Request of PUGET SOUND ENERGY, INC., For an Order Establishing Compliance with RCW 80.08.040 with respect to the proposed issuance and sale of up to $500,000,000 principal amount of senior notes subordinated debentures and/or trust preferred securities. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) DOCKET NO. UE-001546 ORDER ESTABLISHING COMPLIANCE WITH RCW 80.08.040 BACKGROUND 1 On October 13, 2000, Puget Sound Energy, Inc., (“PSE” or the “ Company”), filed an application with the Commission under the provisions of RCW 80.08.040 for an order establishing compliance with the requirements of that statute. The filing concerns the Company’s proposed offering, issuance, and sale from time to time by the Company, or Puget Sound Energy Capital Trust II which the Company will control, of up to $500,000,000 principal amount of senior notes, subordinated debentures and/or trust preferred securities. 2 RCW 80.08.040 requires the Company to file certain information with the Commission and authorizes the Company, at its option, to request the Commission to enter an order that the Company has complied with the requirements of RCW 80.08.040. The Company has filed the information required by RCW 80.08.040 and has requested that the Commission confirm that the Company has complied with the Requirements of RCW 80.08.040. 3 This matter was brought before the Commission at its October 25, 2000, regularly scheduled open meeting. The Commissioners, having been fully advised in the matter, and having determined the following order to be consistent with RCW 80.08.040 directed the Secretary to enter the following order and related provisions. FINDINGS THE COMMISSION FINDS: 4 Puget Sound Energy, Inc., is engaged in the business of furnishing electric and gas service within the state of Washington as a public service company, and is subject to the jurisdiction of this Commission. 5 As to form, the application and information filed herein meet the requirements of chapter 80.08 RCW and the rules and regulations the Commission adopted pursuant thereto. 6 The Company’s application in this Docket contains: (a) a description of the purpose for which the issuance is made and a certification by an officer that proceeds from such financing are for one or more of the purposes allowed by chapter 80.08 RCW; (b) a description of the proposed issuance, including the terms of financing; and (c) a statement as to why the proposed transaction is in the public interest. 7 An order consistent with the above findings should be entered. ORDER The COMMISSION ORDERS: 8 Puget Sound Energy, Inc., has complied with the requirements of RCW 80.08.040. 9 This Order shall in no way affect the authority of this Commission over rates, service, accounts, valuations, estimates or determination of costs, or any matters whatsoever that may come before it, nor shall anything herein be construed as an acquiescence in any estimate or determination of costs, or any valuation of property claimed or asserted. Dated at Olympia, Washington, and effective this 25th day of October, 2000. WASHINGTON UTILITIES AND TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION CAROLE J. WASHBURN Secretary