BEFORE THE WASHINGTON UTILITIES AND TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION In the matter of application to publish and file an individual special permission tariff for the transportation of pianos, organs, and keyboards by The Piano & Organ Moving Co., Inc., HG-35140, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ) ) DOCKET TV-001425 ) ) ORDER GRANTING PERMISSION ) TO PUBLISH AND FILE A TARIFF ) FOR TRANSPORTATION OF ) PIANO, ORGANS, AND ) KEYBOARDS ) BACKGROUND On September 18, 2000, The Piano & Organ Moving Co., Inc., (Company), holder of WUTC Household Goods permit number HG-35140, filed with the Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission (Commission) a petition requesting permission to publish and file an individual special permission tariff (SPT) applying on the intrastate transportation of pianos, organs, and keyboards. RCW 81.80.150 provides that it is the Commission’s responsibility to compile, promulgate, publish, and distribute tariffs containing compilations of rates, charges, classifications, rules, and regulations to be used by all common carriers transporting freight in Washington intrastate commerce. The same statute also provides, however, that the Commission may by order authorize common carriers to publish and file tariffs with the Commission and be governed by those tariffs in respect to certain designated commodities and services when, in the opinion of the Commission, it is impractical for the Commission to make, fix, construct, compile, publish, and distribute tariffs covering such commodities and services. The Commission has not established a tariff applying on the operations of companies whose operations are limited solely to the transportation of pianos, organs, and keyboards. The Commission has found that to do so would be impractical, primarily because: (1) there are so few companies providing this type of specialized transportation; (2) these companies' operations are local in nature; and (3) the expenses incurred in one local geographical area are dissimilar from those incurred in other local areas, thus making determination of rates to be used statewide by all common carriers impractical. The Commission has therefore allowed companies whose operations are limited solely to the transportation of pianos, organs, and keyboards to publish and file SPT tariffs covering their operations. Concurrent with its petition for permission to file an individual tariff, The Piano & Organ Moving Co., Inc., submitted a proposed SPT tariff. Commission Staff reviewed the tariff and found that it complies with statutes, rules, and Commission policies and that the rates and provisions contained in the tariff appear to be reasonable. This matter was brought before the Commission at its regularly scheduled open meeting on October 11, 2000. At that meeting, Commission Staff recommended that The Piano & Organ Moving Co., Inc., be granted permission to publish and file a SPT tariff applying on the transportation of pianos, organs, and keyboards. The Commission, having been fully advised in the matter, and having determined the following order to be consistent with the public interest, directed the Secretary to issue the following order: ORDER THE COMMISSION ORDERS: 1. The Piano & Organ Moving Co., Inc., holder of permit HG-35140, is authorized to publish and file with the Commission a special permission tariff applying on the transportation of pianos, organs, and keyboards in Washington Intrastate Commerce. 2. The operations of the Piano & Organ Moving Co., Inc., will be governed by the provisions of the special permission tariff filed with, and approved by, the Commission. 3. Proposals to amend the tariff must be filed with the Commission at least thirty days before the planned implementation date of those amendments. All amendments will be subject to Commission review and approval. 4. The proposed tariff filed by The Piano & Organ Moving Co., Inc., on September 18, 2000, shall be allowed to become effective on October 12, 2000, as filed. Dated at Olympia, Washington, and effective the 11th day of October, 2000. WASHINGTON UTILITIES AND TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION CAROLE J. WASHBURN, Secretary