BEFORE THE WASHINGTON UTILITIES AND TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION In the Matter of the Petition of: ) ) DOCKET UT-001383 Z-Tel Communications, Inc., ) For a Limited Waiver of Administrative Rules ) ORDER GRANTING LIMITED ................................................................................ .. ) WAIVER OF RULES BACKGROUND On March 24, 2000, Z-Tel Communications, Inc., filed a petition with the Commission requesting waiver of the requirements of WAC 480-120-139(5) pertaining to offering preferred carrier freezes to local exchange customers. The waiver will apply to only Z-Tel's local exchange service. The petition does not request a waiver of the requirement to offer the preferred carrier freeze for intralata and interlata toll services. WAC 480-120-139(5), adopted November 30, 1999, and effective March 1, 2000, requires local exchange companies to offer a preferred carrier freeze to all of their customers for local exchange, interlata, and intralata services. Z-Tel requests a waiver for local exchange services only because industry standards, guidelines and compatible technology are not in place to implement local carrier freezes in a consistent and cost-effective manner. The Commission has determined that Z-Tel has limited residential and business customers in Washington State. Additionally, the Commission has received no customer complaints regarding Z-Tel switching customers' local exchange carrier without proper authorization. This matter was brought before the Commission at its regularly scheduled open meeting on October 11, 2000. The Commissioners, having been fully advised in the matter, and having determined the following order to be consistent with the public interest, directed the Secretary to enter the following order and related provisions. FINDINGS OF FACT THE COMMISSION FINDS: 1. Z-Tel Communications, Inc., is a public service company subject to the jurisdiction of this Commission under the provisions of Chapter 80.36 RCW. 2. It appears upon investigation that the request for waiver of Commission rules by Z-Tel Communications, Inc., is reasonable and consistent with the public interest and should therefore be granted until March 10, 2001. ORDER 1. After effective date of this Order and subject to the conditions hereof, the petition of Z-Tel Communications, Inc., requesting waiver of WAC 480-120-139(5) is hereby granted until March 10, 2001. DATED at Olympia, Washington, and effective this 11th day of October, 2000. WASHINGTON UTILITIES AND TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION CAROLE J. WASHBURN, Secretary