BEFORE THE WASHINGTON UTILITIES AND TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION THE WASHINGTON UTILITIES AND ) TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION ) ) DOCKET NO. TR-001106 Petitioner, ) ) ORDER GRANTING PETITION TO vs. ) INSTALL " EXEMPT" SIGNS AT THE ) OFFUT LAKE ROAD HIGHWAY-RAIL THURSTON COUNTY ) GRADE CROSSING AND ) TACOMA RAIL ) ) D.O.T. 000109X Respondents ) W.U.T.C. 20 HSA 32.2 - 9.00 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ) BACKGROUND On July 19, 2000, the Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission filed a petition on its own motion seeking authority to direct the installation of "Exempt" signs at a grade crossing. The crossing is located at the intersection of the tracks of Tacoma Rail and Offut Lake Road, in the SE 1/4 of the NW 1/4 of Section 6, Township 16 N, Range 1 W, W.M., in Thurston County, Washington. Respondents have consented to the entry of an order by the Commission without further notice or hearing. DISCUSSION Offut Lake Road, in the vicinity of the crossing, is classified as a minor collector, with an estimated 1,157 vehicles that use the crossing daily. The crossing is also part of a designated bus route for school and transit buses that serve the surrounding communities. The intersecting track is a spur that is owned by Tacoma Rail. The crossing is currently not experiencing train traffic due to the discontinuance of operations on the spur by the railroad. The spur tracks have not been used or maintained for several years, and as a result have become overgrown with various small trees, shrubs, and other vegetation. The tracks are also blocked by a gate immediately north of the crossing. The crossing is equipped with passive warning devices, including crossbucks and advance warning signs. Regardless of the fact that the track is not active, RCW 46.61.350 directs that school buses, other buses carrying passengers for hire, and transporters of hazardous materials must stop at all passive highway-rail grade crossings except "...Any railroad grade crossing at which an official traffic control device as designated by the Utilities and Transportation Commission pursuant to RCW 81.53.060 (Exempt sign) gives notice that the stopping requirement imposed by this section does not apply." Drivers of buses that are currently required to make stops at the Offut Lake Road crossing have expressed concerns to Commission staff about the potential for vehicle collisions that may result from the "unsafe" actions of some motorists in reaction to the stops made by buses at the crossing. The installation of Exempt signs will relieve buses and other vehicles required to stop at the crossing of this obligation and create a safer condition at the crossing for the motoring public. Tacoma Rail has also stated that, if they decide to put the track back in service, the railroad will issue a "stop and protect" order that would direct the train crew to stop short of the crossing and flag the train through the intersection. Commission Staff have filed this petition upon an investigation of complaints from bus drivers that serve the vicinity where the crossing is located, and have recommended that the installation be directed. The Commissioners have reviewed the petition and have been fully advised in the matter. They believe that granting the petition, subject to the conditions set forth below, is in the public interest, and direct the Secretary to issue the order. ORDER THE COMMISSION GRANTS the petition for installation of Exempt signs at the highway-rail grade crossing located at the intersection of Offut Lake Road and the Tracks of Tacoma Rail in Thurston County, Washington, subject to the following conditions: 1. The railroad must install an R15-3 sign, bearing the word "EXEMPT" below the crossbuck signs for each approach, as specified in the U.S. Department of Transportation Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices. 2. The road authority must install a supplemental W10-1a sign, bearing the word "EXEMPT" below the crossbuck signs for each approach, as specified in the U.S. Department of Transportation Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices. 3. Whenever the railroad plans to put the track back in service, it must notify Commission Staff at least 30 days before resuming operations. 4. Upon completing the installation herein authorized, respondents must report completion to the Commission. Acceptance of the installation is subject to an inspection and report by Commission Staff, verifying that the installation is in full compliance with law and regulation, and the conditions specified herein. Dated at Olympia, Washington, and effective this 30th day of August, 2000. WASHINGTON UTILITIES AND TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION CAROLE J. WASHBURN, Secretary