Docket No. UE-960195 Page 1 BEFORE THE WASHINGTON UTILITIES AND TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION In the Matter of ) ) PUGET SOUND POWER & LIGHT ) COMPANY and WASHINGTON ) DOCKET NO. UE-960195 NATURAL GAS COMPANY ) ) for an Order Authorizing the Merger of ) WASHINGTON ENERGY COMPANY ) and WASHINGTON NATURAL GAS ) TWENTY-FOURTH COMPANY with and into ) SUPPLEMENTAL PUGET SOUND ) ORDER ACCEPTING TARIFF POWER & LIGHT COMPANY, and ) REVISIONS EFFECTIVE Authorizing the Issuance of Securities, ) JANUARY 1, 2000 Assumption of Obligations, Adoption of) Tariffs, and Authorizations in Connection) Therewith. ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ) On February 5, 1997, the Commission entered the Fourteenth Supplemental Order in Dockets UE-951270 and UE-960195 authorizing Puget Sound Energy (PSE), previously known as Puget Sound Power & Light Company, to file certain tariff revisions complying with the terms of that Order. On November 2, 1999, PSE filed with the Commission certain tariff revisions to comply with the Commission’s Order. The Commission finds that the tariff revisions filed by PSE on November 2, 1999, comply with the Commission’s Fourteenth Supplemental Order in Dockets UE-951270 and UE-960195, and that the tariff revisions should be approved and become effective as filed. The following rate increases become effective January 1, 2000: Schedule Percent Increase 7 Residential Service 1.5% Commercial or Industrial Services 24 or 8 General Service 1.0% 25 or 11 Small Demand General Service 1.0% 26 or 12 Large Demand General Service 1.0% 29 Seasonal Irrigation and Drainage Pumping Service 1.5% 31 or 10 Primary General Service 1.5% 35 Seasonal Primary Irrigation and Drainage Pumping Service 1.5% 43 Limited Interruptible Primary Service, for Total Electric School 1.5% 46 High Voltage Interruptible Service 1.5% 48 Optional Large Power Sales Rate 0.3% 49 High Voltage General Service 1.5% 50, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, or 59 Street and Area Lighting 1.0% ORDER THE COMMISSION ORDERS That the tariff revisions filed November 2, 1999, by PSE in accordance with the Fourteenth Supplemental Order in this proceeding, which are attached and by this reference made a part of this Order as though fully set forth herein, shall become effective as filed, and that the rates, charges, and conditions set forth in the tariff revisions are specified as the rates, charges, and conditions to be applicable to service on and after January 1, 2000. THE COMMISSION FURTHER ORDERS That jurisdiction is retained by the Commission to effectuate the provisions of this and prior Orders entered in this proceeding. DATED at Olympia, Washington, and effective this 22nd day of December, 1999. CAROLE J. WASHBURN, Secretary