Docket UT-970325 February 10, 1999 Page 1 Agenda: February 10, 1999 Item: Docket: UT-970325 Companies: Intrastate Carrier Access Charge Reform Washington Exchange Carrier Association, et al. Staff: Tim Zawislak, Policy Research Specialist Betty Erdahl, Revenue Requirements Specialist Glenn Blackmon, Assistant Director - Telecommunications Recommendation: Grant the Washington Exchange Carrier Association and each of its individual member telephone companies an extension on the limited waiver for implementation of WAC 480-120-540 as adopted through Docket UT-970325, until April 1, 1999. Discussion: On February 3, 1999, the Washington Exchange Carrier Association and each of its individual member telephone companies (WECA, et al.) filed a petition for waiver of implementation of WAC 480-120-540, the Commission’s new “Terminating Access Charge” rule resulting from the rulemaking activity in Docket UT-970325, which was adopted on June 25, 1998. Without the waiver WECA and each member company would need to have revised access charge tariffs in place [Non-traffic sensitive (NTS) and traffic sensitive (TS), respectively for WECA and each company] by February 16, 1999. The actual effective date of the new rule was December 20, 1998, but WECA was granted an initial limited waiver until February 16, 1999. WECA, et al. requests that their implementation of WAC 480-120-540 be waived and extended until June 1, 1999. The reasons for the extension are generally the following: •To accommodate the order on reconsideration in Docket UT-980311(a). •To productively continue informal industry discussions in Docket UT-971140. Staff is in support of these goals and believes it would be more prudent to grant the extension until April 1, 1999. This will allow accommodation, progress, and general consistency with the other ILECs (U S WEST, GTE-NW, and Sprint/United); while allowing the smaller companies extra time to prepare their filings. Staff expects that the companies will file proposed tariffs by March 1, 1999, with an effective date of April 1, 1999.