BEFORE THE WASHINGTON UTILITIES AND TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION WASHINGTON UTILITIES AND ) DOCKET NO. UE-981238 TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION, ) ) SIXTH SUPPLEMENTAL Complainant, ) ORDER v. ) ) ORDER GRANTING PUGET SOUND ENERGY, ) CONTINUANCE ) Respondent. ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ) PROCEEDINGS: This proceeding concerns Puget Sound Energy’s (PSE) filing to establish a rate under the company’s rate Schedule 48 (Optional Large Power Sales Rate) for the period November 1, 1998, through October 31, 1999. Administrative Law Judge Dennis J. Moss conducted prehearing conferences at the Commission’s offices in Olympia, Washington on December 15, 1998, and January 8, 1999. The January 8, 1999, conference was a joint conference with Air Liquide America Corporation, Air Products and Chemicals, Inc., The Boeing Company, Equilon Enterprises LLC, and Tesoro Northwest Co. v. Puget Sound Energy, Docket No. UE-981410, a related complaint proceeding. One result of the January 8, 1999, conference was an agreement by the parties, endorsed by the presiding officer, to hold Docket No. UE-981238 in abeyance pending the conclusion of Docket No. UE-981410. Docket No. UE-981410 was concluded before the Commission by entry of a final order on August 3, 1999. ALJ Moss conducted a third prehearing conference on September 2, 1999, and established, among other things, a procedural schedule that included dates for prefiled testimony, hearing proceedings, and briefs. PARTIES: Matthew Harris, attorney, Seattle, Washington, represents Puget Sound Energy (PSE). James M. Van Nostrand and Andree Gagnon, attorneys, Bellevue, Washington, are on PSE’s Petition. Bradley Van Cleve and Melinda J. Horgan, attorneys, Portland, Oregon, represent the Industrial Customers of Northwest Utilities, Air Liquide America Corporation, Air Products and Chemicals, Inc., The Boeing Company, Equilon Enterprises LLC, and Tesoro Northwest Company (collectively ICNU). Simon ffitch, Assistant Attorney General, Seattle, Washington, represents public counsel. Robert Cedarbaum, Assistant Attorney General, Olympia, Washington represents Commission Staff (Staff). AGREED REQUEST FOR CONTINUANCE: On October 8, 1999, counsel for Staff filed a letter including an agreed request for continuance pursuant to WAC 480-09-440 (6). The letter states that there are “ongoing settlement discussions” and that a continuance is needed because “more time is required free of constraints of litigation” to optimize the opportunity for settlement. All active parties support the request for continuance. It is neither inconsistent with the public interest, nor contrary to the Commission’s administrative needs to grant the request. The revised procedural dates proposed by the parties should be adopted. ORDER IT IS ORDERED That a continuance is granted and the following revised procedural schedule is established: Staff and Intervenor testimony November 3, 1999 PSE rebuttal testimony November 12, 1999 Evidentiary Hearings December 3, 1999 Simultaneous Briefs To be determined DATED at Olympia, Washington, and effective this 25th day of October, 1999. WASHINGTON UTILITIES AND TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION DENNIS J. MOSS, Administrative Law Judge