BEFORE THE WASHINGTON UTILITIES AND TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION In the Matter of the Petition for ) Docket No. UT-970325 Investigation into the Cost of ) Universal Service and to Reform ) Comments of TRACER Intrastate Carrier Access Charges ) ________________________________________) On May 19, 1998, the Commission filed a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (CR-102) and issued a notice of opportunity to submit written comments on the proposed rule to reform intrastate access charges. In response to that notice, TRACER respectfully submits the following brief comments. TRACER generally supports the Commission's efforts to reduce intrastate switched access charges, make explicit the support for affordable basic telecommunications service in high-cost areas, and improve the opportunities for fair and efficient competition in markets throughout the state. However, TRACER is concerned that the proposed rule, as it is currently written, is incomplete and would create unwarranted and immediate pressure to significantly increase residential local exchange rates. It should not be adopted without further revision. In its Fifteenth Supplemental Order in Docket No. UT-950200, the last U S WEST Communications, Inc. general rate case, the Commission determined correctly that the cost of the local loop is a shared cost that should be recovered in the rates for all the services using the loop, i.e., carrier access, toll service, vertical features, and local service. Notwithstanding that determination, the proposed rule is written in a way that would effectively remove all contribution to the cost of the local loop from switched access charges and, presumably, toll rates. Subsection (1) of the proposed rule provides that terminating switched access charges shall not exceed (a) the lowest rate for local interconnection service, or (b), if no local interconnection service is provided or is provided only under a bill and keep arrangement, total service long-run incremental cost (TSLRIC) plus a reasonable contribution to common or overhead costs. TSLRIC, by definition, includes only service-specific costs. No shared costs, or contributions to joint and common costs are included. Because the local loop is a shared cost of local service, switched access (toll) service, and features, its cost is not included in the TSLRIC of any of these services. Nothing is said about contribution to shared costs. The effect of this requirement, then, is to prohibit terminating switched access charges from containing any contribution to covering the cost of the local loop. The proposed rule is silent, at least with respect to LECs that do not qualify as "small businesses", about any change to originating switched access charges. Since present originating switched access charges are low and do not carry any meaningful contribution to the cost of the local loop, the effect of this "silence" is to completely remove any contribution to the cost of the local loop from switched access charges, and, consequently, from toll rates. Since, as a practical matter, features prices cannot be increased sufficiently to make up this lost contribution, the only source of contribution left is local service rates. For residential loops, this is likely to mean that significant residential local service rate increases will be required, if cross-subsidy for that group of residential services is to be avoided. Business local exchange prices are sufficiently high to cover the TSLRIC of local service plus the cost of the business local loop. TRACER submits that the rule should be revised to clarify that (1) switched access charges, and toll rates, must continue to contribute to the cost of the local loop, and (2) that contribution must be included in the charges for originating switched access. Without these revisions, the proposed rule should not be adopted. Respectfully submitted this 12th day of June, 1998. ATER WYNNE, LLP By: Arthur A. Butler WSBA #04678 Attorneys for TRACER