June 12, 1998 VIA FACSIMILE (360) 586-1150 ORIGINAL VIA FEDEX Carole J. Washburn, Secretary Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission 1300 S. Evergreen Park Dr. S.W. P.O. Box 47250 Olympia, WA 98504-7250 Re: Universal Service/Access Charge Reform, Docket No. UT-970325 Dear Ms. Washburn: TCG Seattle ("TCG") provides the following comments in the above-referenced docket in response to the Commission's Opportunity to Submit Written Comments on Proposed Rule (June 12, 1998). TCG applauds the intent of the proposed rule to move toward the “a minute is a minute” concept. However, TCG has substantial concerns about the means by which the proposed rule would implement that reform. TCG communicated these concerns informally to staff earlier in the rulemaking process, but the proposed rule has remained essentially unchanged. TCG, therefore, is taking this opportunity to provide formal comments to the Commission. The proposed rule links terminating switched access rates to the rates charged for local interconnection. Yet the Commission has approved interconnection agreements that require compensation for the exchange of local traffic not only through explicit compensation but also through bill and keep arrangements. The rule thus requires a LEC to set its access charges either at the LEC's lowest rate for local interconnection established through negotiation or arbitrationor at "cost" for carriers with only bill and keep compensation. The proposed rule poses problems for CLECs under either scenario. First, rates for explicit compensation for the exchange of local traffic generally are reciprocal and based on the ILEC's costs. Thus, a CLEC's reciprocal local interconnection rate with GTE, for example, may be higher than the CLEC's reciprocal local rate with U S WEST. If the proposed rule requires the CLEC to set a statewide terminating access rate at its U S WEST local rate, GTE would pay less to the CLEC to terminate its interexchange traffic than to terminate its local traffic. The proposed rule, therefore, should be modified to allow LECs to charge different terminating access rates in the different incumbent LECs’ service territories. Second, under the proposed rule, CLECs with bill and keep arrangements must file cost studies to support their access rates. This requirement, which is both expensive and unnecessary for CLECs, is entirely inconsistent with the "minimal regulation" to which CLECs (like TCG) are subject when classified as competitive. See RCW 80.36.320(2). Such carriers may file price lists, rather than tariffs, and have been granted waivers of various regulatory requirements, including the type of rate of return regulation the proposed rule seems to contemplate. See, e.g., In re Petition of TCG Seattle, Docket No. UT-941204, Order Granting Petition (June 30, 1995). Proposed sections (4) and (5) apparently are included to eliminate this cost study requirement for CLECs that are "small businesses." However, many CLECs may not be "small businesses" as defined by the statute. These sections of the proposed rule, therefore, do not serve the purpose for which they were included. The proposed rule, therefore, should be revised to exempt competitively classified carriers from the requirement to file cost studies. Please contact me if you have any questions about these comments or if you need any additional information. I am the contact person for TCG for this rulemaking. Sincerely yours, Karen Notsund Regulatory Director, Western Region Voice: 925.949.0620 Facsimile: 925.949.0658 E-mail: notsunk@tcg.com