BEFORE THE WASHINGTON UTILITIES AND TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF CUSTOMER ) PROPRIETARY NETWORK ) DOCKET NO. UT-971514 INFORMATION AND REVISIONS ) TO WAC 480-120-139(5)(a) ) JOINT COMMENTS OF GTE, ) WITA, USWC, AT&T, MCI, ________________________________) AND SPRINT JOINT COMMENTS - 1 GTE Northwest Incorporated (“GTE”), the Washington Independent Telephone Association (“WITA”), U S West Communications Incorporated (“USWC”), AT&T Communications of the Pacific Northwest, Inc. (“AT&T”), MCI Telecommunications Corporation (“MCI”), and United Telephone Company of the Northwest, dba Sprint (“Sprint”) (together, the “Joint Parties”) join in their comments at this stage of this proceeding. In view of the extensive proceedings on these issues being undertaken before the Federal Communications Commission, the Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission (the “Commission”) should refrain from additional state regulation of customer proprietary network information (“CPNI”). The FCC’s Second Report and Order in its CPNI proceeding, CC Docket 96-115, established a set of procedures regulating carriers’ use of CPNI. FCC Order No. 98-27 (hereafter, the “Second Report and Order”). That order is far from perfect. Indeed, in several respects the Second Report and Order is unworkable and unlawful, and some of the Joint Parties have filed, or will soon be filing, requests for forbearance, clarification and/or reconsideration of that order, or have already commenced or will shortly commence proceedings seeking judicial review. The Second Report and Order does, however, purport to implement Congress’ “balance of `both competitive and consumer privacy interests with respect to CPNI.’” Second Report and Order, at Para. 3, quoting Joint Statement of Managers, S. Conf. Rep. No. 104-230, 104th Cong., 2d Sess., 205 (1996). As such, the FCC order addresses the precise concerns motivating this Commission to protect CPNI. Certainly an outright prohibition of all use of CPNI -- as is the effect of WAC 480-120-139(5)(a) --is in direct conflict with the FCC’s order. Since the FCC’s order applies to both interstate and intrastate communications, Second Report and Order, Para. 20, there is no need for separate state regulations on this topic. This Commission has already recognized in this docket that the use of CPNI is limited by federal law in a manner that protects the public interest. Order Granting Waiver of Rules, Finding No. 4, page 2. Moreover, the FCC indicated that conflicting state regulations concerning CPNI would be subject to case-by-case examination, and preemption: State rules that would likely be vulnerable to preemption would include those permitting greater carrier use of CPNI than section 222 and our implementing regulations announced herein, as well as those state regulations that sought to impose more limitations on carriers’ use. Second Report and Order, Para. 18. In these circumstances, the Commission should not proceed with further CPNI rules. Aside from the fact that regulations imposing additional restrictions on CPNI use would be preempted, the Commission should not enact Washington-specific CPNI rules on policy grounds. A multiplicity of unique state CPNI restrictions would certainly impair carriers’ marketing efforts. These marketing efforts are a necessity for competition in telecommunications to become a reality, rather than just a policy goal. See, Second Report and Order, at Para. 20, n. 87. The Commission should not impair one of the tools necessary for effective competition. The CPNI restrictions contained in WAC 480-120-139(5)(a), are unnecessary, preempted by federal law, and an impairment of competition. The Joint Parties therefore recommend that WAC 480-120-139(5)(a) be eliminated. In the alternative, the current waiver of that rule should be maintained until after the completion of the FCC’s CPNI rule-making, and any judicial review of that proceeding. Respectfully submitted this 20th day of May, 1998. GTE NORTHWEST INCORPORATED By_________________________________ Timothy J. O’Connell WSBA #15372 Its Attorney 1800 41st Street WA0105LE Everett, WA 98201 ` Phone: 425-261-5008 Fax: 425-258-9275 AT& T COMMUNICATIONS OF THE PACIFIC NORTHWEST, INC. Susan D. Proctor 1875 Lawrence St., Ste. 1575 Denver, CO 20202 Phone: 303-298-6164 MCI TELECOMMUNICATIONS CORPORATION Rogelio E. Peña, Its Attorney 707 17th Street, Ste. 3600 Denver, CO 80202 Phone: 303-390-6106 Fax: 303-390-6333 UNITED TELEPHONE COMPANY OF THE NORTHWEST dba SPRINT Nancy L. Judy Assistant Vice-President, External Affairs 902 Wasco Street Hood River, OR 97031 Phone: 541-387-9789 Fax: 541-387-9753 US WEST COMMUNICATIONS INCORPORATED Lisa A. Anderl, its Attorney 1600 7th Ave., Rm. 3208 Seattle, WA 98191 Phone: 206-343-4052 Fax: 206-343-4040 WASHINGTON INDEPENDENT TELEPHONE ASSOCIATION Richard A. Finnigan 2405 Evergreen Park Dr. SW. Ste. B-1 Olympia, WA 98502 Phone: 360-956-7001 Fax: 360-753-6862 J:\LEGAL\TIMO\971514.CMT