September 17, 1999 NOTICE OF REVISED PREHEARING CONFERENCE SCHEDULE (October 11, 1999) RE: Spokane County v. Union Pacific Railroad Company Docket Nos.: TR-950332 TR-950333 TR-950334 TR-961353 TR-970009 TR-980936 TR-980937 TR-980938 TO ALL PARTIES OF RECORD: The parties and the Commission have engaged in scheduling discussions and have agreed to cancel the prehearing conference previously noticed for September 28, 1999 and to reschedule it for October 7, 1999. The parties also agreed to move the date previously identified for holding the evidentiary and public hearings from October 11 to October 25, with the parties and the Commission reserving an additional two days in their schedules for completion of the evidentiary hearings. Making these changes will allow the parties additional time for negotiations in furtherance of settlement and will allow the Commission additional time for consideration of environmental matters. The Commission gives notice to all parties of record of the time and place established for a prehearing conference in this matter. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN That the prehearing conference scheduled for September 28, 1999 in this matter is canceled. The prehearing conference has been rescheduled and will be heard on Thursday, October 11, 1999, beginning at 9:00 a.m., in Room 218, Chandler Plaza Building, 1300 S. Evergreen Park Drive SW, Olympia, WA. If you cannot attend, you may participate via the Commission’s teleconference bridge line. The bridge line is limited to twelve callers, and will be reserved for the first twelve people requesting the service. Please call Nancy Moen at 360-664-1140 to request this service. Sincerely, CAROLE J. WASHBURN Executive Secretary