BEFORE THE WASHINGTON UTILITIES AND TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION In the Matter of the Application by Primus ) Telecommunications, Inc., and TresCom ) U.S.A. for approval of an Internal ) Reorganization. ) DOCKET UT-990815 ) ) ORDER GRANTING ) APPLICATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ) On May 28, 1999, Primus Telecommunications, Inc., (Primus) and TresCom U.S.A. (TresCom) filed a joint application pursuant to the provisions of chapter 80.12 RCW for approval of the assumption by Primus of all of TresCom’s operation through an internal reorganization. Primus is authorized to provide resold direct dial long distance, and debit card services in the state of Washington and is not competitively classified. TresCom is authorized to provide resold direct dial long distance, debit card services, and operator services in the state of Washington and is not competitively classified. Primus is a Delaware corporation wholly owned by Primus Telecommunications Group, Inc., (PTGI). TresCom is a Florida company wholly owned by TresCom International, Inc., which is in turn wholly owned by PTGI. TresCom will merge with and into Primus, TresCom will cease to exist, and Primus will assume TresCom’s operations under the same offerings, rates, terms and conditions as filed in the current tariff of TresCom. This Commission neither approves nor disapproves of the reasonableness of any fees, charges, rates, or accounting allocations involved with the proposed transfer of control and reserves the right to review those fees, charges, rates, or accounting allocations in any future rate proceeding involving the rates of Primus. FINDINGS THE COMMISSION FINDS: 1. Primus is a Washington business operated as a public service company subject to the jurisdiction of this Commission under the provisions of chapter 80.12 RCW. 2. TresCom is a Washington business operated as a public service company subject to the jurisdiction of this Commission under the provisions of chapter 80.12 RCW. 3. As to form, the application herein, meets the requirements of chapter 80.12 RCW and the rules and regulations of the Commission adopted pursuant thereto. 4. The proposed internal reorganization will not be inconsistent with the public interest and should, therefore, be approved. O R D E R THE COMMISSION ORDERS: 1. Subject to the conditions of this order, the internal reorganization through which Primus Telecommunications, Inc., assumes the operations of TresCom U.S.A., Inc., is approved. 2. This order shall in no way affect the authority of this Commission over rates, services, accounts, evaluations, estimates, or determination of cost or any matters whatsoever that may come before it, nor shall anything herein be construed as an acquiescence in any estimate or determination of cost or any valuation of property claimed or asserted. DATED at Olympia, Washington, and effective this 25th day of August, 1999. WASHINGTON UTILITIES AND TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION CAROLE J. WASHBURN, Secretary