Agenda Date: May 26, 1999 Item Number: Docket: UW-990642 Company Name: Meadows Water System, L.L.C. Staff: Jim Ward, Revenue Requirements Specialist Penny Hansen, Public Involvement Coordinator Recommendation: Issue a Complaint and Order Suspending the Tariff Revisions filed by Meadows Water System, L.L.C., in Docket UW-990642. Discussion: On April 30, 1999, Meadows Water System, L.L.C., filed for general rates in the amount of approximately $108,586 or 49 percent of additional revenue per year. As part of this docket, the company filed for several ancillary charge updates, late payment fee of 1.5 percent, two (2) capital improvement surcharges and a facilities charge. The company serves approximately 827 residential customers near Lacey, in north Thurston County. The Commission received --- customer comments on this request. The company’s last general rate increase was October 1990. The company is proposing in this filing to remove the base allowance of 400 cubic feet from its metered rate. Zero allowance rate design encourages conservation and ensures the low end users that they pay for only what they use. The current and proposed rates are provided below: Monthly Rate Current Proposed 5/8x3/4 Inch Metered Rate $ 15.75 $ 18.00 1 1/2 Inch Metered Rate $ 18.75 $ 37.50 3 Inch Metered Rate $ 20.11 $ 22.11 Base allowance of 400 cubic feet Included Zero Allowance Over 400 cubic feet (per 100 cuft) .90 ---- Excess consumption per one (1) cubic foot up to 1,100 cubic feet ---- $ .009 per one (1) cubic foot over 1,100 cubic feet ---- .012 State Public Utility Tax Included 5.029 % Surcharge - New Meters ---- $ 2.16 Surcharge - Capital Facilities ---- $ 1.25 Late Payment Fee ---- $ 1.5 % New Account Setup Charge $ 5.00 $ 15.00 Special Meter Read $ 5.00 $ 25.00 NSF Check Charge $10.00 $ 15.00 Facilities Charge ---- $ 1,850 Regulatory services staff has requested financial records and information to support the filing. The company is currently working on those request. Therefore staff recommends that the Commission issue a Complaint and Order Suspending the Tariff Revisions filed by Meadows Water System, L.L.C., in Docket UW-990642.