Dockets UW-980616 June 25, 1998 Page 1 Agenda Date: March 31, 1999 Item Number: Docket: UW-990428 Company Name: Gamble Bay Water, Inc. Staff: Jim Ward, Revenue Requirements Specialist Penny Hansen, Public Involvement Coordinator Recommendation: Issue Complaint and Order Suspending Contract in Docket UW-990428, filed by Gamble Bay Water, Inc. Discussion: On March 15, 1999, Gamble Bay Water, Inc., (Gamble Bay) filed with the Commission a contract. Gamble Bay serves approximately 250 customers located on 13 water systems on Bainbridge Island and near Poulsbo. This contract provides for Stetson Development Company, LLC., (developer) to install and pay for a water distribution main, well improvements, and related operating equipment and appurtenances for a twenty (20) lot subdivision. The developer will also pay all engineering fees and plan review fees associated with this water system extension. Additionally, the developer will install all service connections. The developer will then convey the system extension, by a bill of sale, to Gamble Bay. Regulatory Services staff has issued a data request for information about the contract. Gamble Bay has not yet provided this information and water staff cannot establish is the contract is fair, just, reasonable, or sufficient. Staff recommends that the Commission Issue Complaint and Order Suspending Contract in Docket UW-990428, filed by Gamble Bay Water, Inc.