Commission Docket No. TG-990053 Agenda Date Assigned: 1/27/99 BEFORE THE WASHINGTON UTILITIES AND TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF APPLICATION TO WAIVE STATUTORY REQUIREMENT for other than state tariff by: Petitioner’s Name: Nick Raffo Garbage Co., Inc. Permit No. G-16 Petitioner desires to change Tariff, Number 18. Present provisions are: Item 230 #4 King County Special Waste $120 per ton Proposed changes are: Item 230 #4 King County Special Waste $132 per ton Reason petitioner requests waiver of statutory requirements and permission to file and publish the proposed provisions: After filing revised rates approved by WUTC on December 30, 1998 effective January 1, 1999 it was noted that special waste rates to King County item 230 should have been $132 per ton instead of $120 per ton. Because of this oversight and the commission policy on disposal fees, that the fees are to be passed through at the rate charged at the disposal sight. I request these provisions become effective on: January 28, 1999 Signature and Title of Petitioner: Norm Nichols Telephone Number of Petitioner: (360) 786-9515 Mailing Address: 725 Quince St NE City, State Zip: Olympia, WA 98506-4048 WASHINGTON UTILITIES AND TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION O R D E R The Commission having considered the foregoing application, IT IS ORDERED That the proposed changes be granted, to become effective January 28, 1999. DATED and signed at Olympia, Washington, this 27th day of January, 1999. Signature: Carole J. Washburn, Secretary