Dockets UW-981518 December 23, 1998 Page 1 Agenda Date: December 23, 1998 Item Number: Docket: UW-981518 Company Name: Gamble Bay Water, Inc. Staff: Jim Ward, Revenue Requirements Specialist Penny Hansen, Public Involvement Coordinator Recommendation: Issue Complaint and Order Suspending Tariff Revision in UW-981518, as filed by Gamble Bay Water, Inc. Discussion: On November 30, 1998, Gamble Bay Water, Inc., (Gamble Bay) filed with the Commission a tariff revision to add a Facilities Charge for residential customers. Gamble Bay serves approximately 250 customers located on 13 water systems on Bainbridge Island and near Poulsbo. This tariff revision provides for Gamble Bay to establish a facilities charge (Schedule No. 11) for costs of well upgrades, installation of new 8 inch ductile iron piping, construction of new 100,000 gallon reservoir and easement rights. The total cost of upgrades and improvements is estimated to be $344,000. The facilities charge loan portion would fund about $217,000. Customer notice was not provided for this rate filing as potential applicants or customers are unknown. Facilities Charge Current Proposed Facilities charge - Schedule No. 11 --- $1,850 The facilities charge amount would be treated as Contribution in Aid of Construction and would not be included in any future rate base calculations. Additionally, the company would provide quarterly reporting of funds received and monies spent for the system upgrades and improvements. This filing is in conjunction with a new definition of the company's service area. The service area is being defined as only those customers that the company is providing water too. This definition is consistent with Commission Service Area as defined in WAC 480-110-021 (6). The facilities charge would then apply to any new customer connecting to any water system owned by Gamble Bay. The facilities charge monies will be used to repay a projected loan the company has applied for. The loan is administered by the Washington State Public Works Board -Drinking Water State Revolving Fund Program. This program provides low interest, long term loans for public works projects. Monies from the loan will be used to acquire a tank site, construct a 100,000 gallon reservoir and to intertie the Bucklin water system and the Vincent Road water system. Vincent Road water system is located near Kitsap County Landfill. The soul source of water for this system is having problems with testing results. The system is designed for nine (9) connections and is currently at capacity. However, the system has water rights for up to 31 connections. Gamble Bay intends to intertie the two systems (resolving water quality issues) and transfer water rights to the Bucklin water system. By this transfer of water rights the company could fully utilize the 31 connection capacity. The company has not demonstrated the cost associated with the plans for construction and staff recommends that the Commission Issue Complaint and Order Suspending Tariff Revision in UW-981518, as filed by Gamble Bay Water, Inc.