BEFORE THE WASHINGTON UTILITIES AND TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION In the Matter of the Application of ) THE WASHINGTON WATER ) POWER COMPANY for an Order ) Authorizing the Sale of Facilities ) Consisting of Meyers Falls ) Hydroelectric Plant ) Docket UE-981365 ORDER GRANTING APPLICATION On October 27 1998, The Washington Water Power Company (WWP) filed an Application with the Commission pursuant to the provisions of RCW Chapter 80.12 RCW and WAC Chapter 480-143, for authority to sell electric generating facilities kown as the Meyers Falls Hydroelectric Plant and approve WWP’s proposed method of accounting for the transaction. The terms and conditions of the transaction are set forth in the Purchase and Sale Agreement attached to the Application as Exhibit III. The purchaser of the Meyers Falls Hydroelectric Plant is Hydro Technology Systems, Inc. (HTSI) of Chattaroy, Washington, whose primary business is consulting engineers for small scale hydroelectric systems. The purchaser has also elected to sell power from the plant to WWP for a period of up to eight years. WWP selected HTSI among the six bidders, after review and evaluation of various proposals. The property to be sold consists of a concrete dam, powerhouse with two generators (installed capability of 1.2MW), penstock, and other facilities, plus a transmission line and other improvements including an operator’s house and garage. WWP owns the project facilities, while 70 acres surrounding the facilities are leased. As of September 30, 1998, the net book value of the electric plant with the relicensing cost is $533,300, compared to an original cost of $810,752. The price of the property to be sold on an “as-is” and “where-is” basis is $316,000 which would result in a before tax book loss of approximately $217,000. The agreed upon price for the power to be sold from the plant is 21.85 mills ($0.02185) per kilowatt-hour for any month of any year during the contract term. WWP determined that a sale of Meyers Falls is in the best interest of WWP’s customers and shareholders. The hydro facility is small with high operating and maintenance costs per kilo-watt hour. In addition, there are no benefits of Docket UE-981365 Page 2 coordination with other hydro facilities as the project is the only hydro facility on the Colville River. WWP desired to arrange a favorable purchase of the output for a short period of time, in lieu of a long term power purchase contract commitment. WWP states that through the sale of Meyers Falls, it can recoup, through the purchase price, a significant amount of the net book value of the plant and it can avoid future plant addition costs and operation-maintenance costs that would make the energy output uneconomical when compared to market rates. As such, WWP concludes the sale is consistent with the public interest. WWP’s accounting proposal includes recognition of the loss as a period cost (i.e. not deferred for future amortization) by debiting FERC account 421.20 Loss on disposition of property. This is proposed because of the de minimus amount of the loss on this transaction. FINDINGS THE COMMISSION FINDS: 1. The Washington Water Power Company, a Washington corporation, is a public service company subject to the jurisdiction of this Commission under the provisions of RCW Chapter 80.12. 2. As to form, the Application herein, meets the requirements of RCW Chapter 80.12 and the applicable rules and regulations of the Commission. 3. The proposed sale will not be contrary to the public interest and the proposed accounting treatment of the loss from the transaction is reasonable and should, therefore, be authorized. 4. The authorization and approval granted herein shall not be construed as precedent to prejudice any action of this Commission in any future proceeding. The Commission reserves the right to determine the reasonableness of any expense resulting from the transaction set forth in the Application herein in any formal proceeding before the Commission dealing with Applicant’s rates and cost of service.. O R D E R 1. The Washington Water Power Company is hereby authorized to sell electric generating facilities known as the Meyers Falls Hydroelectric Plant. Docket UE-981365 Page 3 2. The proposed accounting treatment of the loss from the transaction is approved. 3. This order shall in no way affect the authority of this Commission over rates, services, accounts, valuations, estimates or determination of costs, or any matters whatsoever that may come before it, nor shall anything herein be construed as an acquiescence in any estimate or determination of costs, or any valuation of property claimed or asserted. Dated at Olympia, Washington and effective this rd day of December, 1998. WASHINGTON UTILITIES AND TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION CAROLE J. WASHBURN Secretary