DOCKET UW-981139 Page 1 BEFORE THE WASHINGTON UTILITIES AND TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION In the Matter of the Requested ) Waiver of Statutory Notice in ) DOCKET UW-981139 Connection with the Tariff ) Revision Filed by ) ORDER GRANTING LESS Gamble Bay Water, Inc. ) THAN STATUTORY NOTICE ) On August 27, 1998, Gamble Bay Water, Inc., (Gamble Bay) filed with the Commission revision to its currently effective Tariff WN U-2, designated as: First Revision Sheet No. 23 Canceling Original Sheet No. 23. The tariff sheet bears an inserted effective date of October 1, 1998. This date recognizes statutory notice as required. The company requests, however, that statutory notice be waived and that the revision become effective September 10, 1998. This tariff revision provides for Gamble Bay to extend the collection period of its surcharge (Schedule No. 3) for water system plan recovery. This surcharge was originally started in November of 1994, at $2.70. The original bid for the water system plan was approximately $15,000. Since then the water system plan has been completed and the final cost was approximately $20,000. Gamble Bay is proposing to extend the collection period until April 1, 1999, or the collection of an additional $4,600 loan principle whichever occurs first. The customers will not see a rate increase or decrease, only the continuation of the surcharge for an additional seven (7) months or $4,600 loan principle and fees, interest charges, and state and federal taxes. Surcharge Item Start Date Amount Stop Date 1) Surcharge - Schedule No. 3 11/94 $ 2.70 8/98 2) Surcharge - Schedule No. 3 8/98 $ 2.70 4/99 Gamble Bay is seeking Less Than Statutory Notice (LSN) treatment in an attempt to maintain monthly collection of the surcharge and continue monthly payments to the bank on schedule. Since the tariff revision filed herein is fair, just and reasonable, and waiver of statutory notice is not inconsistent with the public interest, it is deemed appropriate that the company be granted the waiver it is requesting with an effective date of September 10, 1998. FINDINGS After careful examination of the tariff revision filed herein by Gamble Bay Water, Inc., August 27, 1998, and giving consideration to all relevant matters and for good cause shown, the Commission finds that the tariff revision should become effective September 10, 1998. O R D E R THE COMMISSION THEREFORE ORDERS That the requested waiver of statutory notice in connection with the tariff revision filed herein by Gamble Bay Water, Inc., August 27, 1998, is hereby granted, and said tariff revision shall become effective September 10, 1998. DATED at Olympia, Washington, and effective this 9th day of September, 1998. WASHINGTON UTILITIES AND TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION ANNE LEVINSON, Chair RICHARD HEMSTAD, Commissioner WILLIAM R. GILLIS, Commissioner