Docket TC-980954 Page 1 BEFORE THE WASHINGTON UTILITIES AND TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION In The Matter of a Petition Requesting Exception to Commission Rules and Allowing Temporary Discontinuance of Commercial Ferry Service, SAN JUAN TRANSIT, INC., C-1006, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) DOCKET TC-980954 ORDER GRANTING TEMPORARY DISCONTINUANCE OF SERVICE AUTHORIZED UNDER CERTIFICATE, WITH CONDITIONS On July 10, 1998, the Commission received a petition from San Juan Transit, Inc., C-1006. The petition requests that the Commission authorize San Juan Transit, Inc., allowing temporary discontinuance of the route authorized under its certificate providing service to Orcas Island. The petition explains that in a recent seven-day period only 24 passengers were transported along that route. This amount of passenger traffic does not generate sufficient revenue to cover the carrier’s fixed costs. San Juan Transit, Inc., therefore requests leave to temporarily discontinue the service along the non-profitable route. Pursuant to review of the petition, its accompanying documentation, and staff investigation, the Commission finds that granting a temporary discontinuance of service at this time may be warranted. The Commission will grant a twelve-month temporary discontinuance of service. The company may resume service prior to the end of that period, upon 5-day’s notice to the Commission. San Juan Transit, Inc., may request extensions to the discontinuance authorized herein. However, as auto transportation certificates and routes are granted only upon a showing of public need and convenience, the Commission will, upon receipt of any application for extension of the discontinuance, investigate to determine if a more proper action would be to cancel the route and amend San Juan Transit’s certificate to remove the Orcas route based on the fact that there is no longer demonstrated public need. It will be San Juan Transit’s responsibility to apply to the Commission for extension at least 60 days prior to the expiration of the discontinuance authorized herein. That filing must be accompanied by data that details activities by the company to reactivate this route, a projection of available traffic, projection of costs to resume service along the route, an income projection, and any other information available to support continued discontinuance. Additional information may be requested by Commission staff upon receipt of any petition for extension. Further, the Commission will impose a condition that provides for passenger service should an immediate and/or emergent need arise. Under this condition should an need arise for commercial passenger service on or along the Orcas Island route, San Juan Transit, Inc., must be prepared to resume service to meet those needs. If San Juan Transit, Inc., cannot, or will not, resume service the Commission will consider that it has waived interest in this portion of its auto transportation certificate. The Commission will then institute immediate proceedings to amend San Juan Transit’s certificate and to grant authority to another carrier who is prepared to meet the needs of the traveling public. O R D E R IT IS ORDERED That: (1) The Commission hereby grants to San Juan Transit, Inc., a temporary discontinuance of the service on the Orcas Island route provided for under its auto transportation certificate, C-1006 (2) Said discontinuance period will begin July 22, 1998, and expire July 21, 1999. (3) San Juan Transit, Inc., may apply to the Commission to extend said period of discontinuance by filing a petition at least 60 days prior to the expiration date of the current discontinuance. The Commission will consider that petition and render a decision on continued discontinuance in light of the standard of public convenience and necessity. (4) Should an immediate, urgent need arise for passenger service in the territory for which this temporary discontinuance is granted, San Juan Transit, Inc., must return to service to meet that need within 10 calendar days of notification by the Commission. In the event that San Juan Transit, Inc., cannot, or will not, provide such service, the Commission shall consider that San Juan Transit, Inc. has waived interest in its certificate. The Commission will institute an immediate proceeding to cancel the route, amend the certificate, and to grant authority to a common carrier who is prepared to meet the needs of the traveling public. DATED and signed at Olympia, Washington this day of July, 1998. WASHINGTON UTILITIES AND TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION CAROLE J. WASHBURN, Secretary