BEFORE THE WASHINGTON UTILITIES AND TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION Petition of PUGET SOUND ENERGY, INC. For an Order Regarding the Accounting Treatment of a Proposed Virtual Right-Of -Way Program Docket UE-980877 ORDER AUTHORIZING ACCOUNTING TREATMENT On June 23, 1998, Puget Sound Energy ("PSE" or "the Company") filed with the Commission a Petition pursuant to WAC 480-09-420(7) for an order regarding the accounting and ratemaking treatment of a proposed Virtual Right-Of-Way Program ("VROW Program"). According to the Petition, the VROW Program allows the Company the opportunity to achieve significant improvements in the reliability of its electric service. The Company expects the VROW Program to significantly reduce non-storm tree related overhead outages, the number and duration of outages, and repair costs during major storm events. These benefits are realized over 15-20 years while the Program expenditures occur within the first five years. Therefore, the Company requests an accounting order authorizing it to defer the expenses as a regulatory asset and to begin immediate amortization of the costs of the Program on a half month convention method over a ten-year period. The Company states that in its distribution planning process, it seeks new and innovative ways to meet customers' reliability needs at the lowest possible long-term cost. According to the Company, the VROW Program responds to customers' desires and quickly delivers the most benefit for the least cost. The Company submits that its filing is responsive to the following statement in the Merger Order: Given the storms we experienced this winter, the Commission has a heightened awareness of the need to explore ways to improve the reliability of electric transmission and distribution facilities. . . . [V]egetation management goes beyond merely "cutting trees". Long term reliability of the distribution system would seem to involve a comprehensive look at the causes of system outages, studying alternative ways of improving system reliability, and assessing the costs of different management alternatives against their benefits before making a decision on how to proceed. Docket Nos. UE-951270 and UE-960195, Fourteenth Supplemental Order at pages 32-33. Docket UE-980877 Page 1 According to the Company, it historically constrains its primary vegetation management efforts within its designated right-of-way. Outside the designated right-of-way, the Company removes dangerous trees only when necessary. The Company asserts the Virtual Right-of-Way Program achieves the benefits of widening the Company's dedicated right-of-way without actually buying land or the rights to maintain it. Under the Program, PSE will selectively remove trees outside of its dedicated right-of-way with the landowners’ permission. The expected cost is $43 million over the next five years. PSE claims alternatives to the VROW Program, such as actually securing a wider right-of-way or accepting the status quo, are either cost-prohibitive or ignore the necessary improvements in reliability. PSE states the Virtual Right-of-Way Program is an extraordinary one-time program that produces long-term benefits as compared to the current on-going vegetation management efforts. The Company’s petition seeks deferred accounting treatment for ratemaking and regulatory accounting purposes. PSE proposes to defer the costs of the VROW Program in account 182.3, Other Regulatory Assets, and to amortize the balance to the proper expense accounts over 10 years. The Company proposes to amortize immediately each month’s VROW expenditures using a half month amortization convention. PSE defines VROW Program costs as those costs incurred beyond the dedicated right-of-way and includes only the direct costs of identifying and removing specific trees, additional tapered trimming of conifer overhang between 12 and 15 feet, and replacing trees with more appropriate species at landowners’ request. Alternatives to removing trees, such as installing underground conductors, use of tree wire, or reconfiguring overhead construction, will be considered when it is financially and physically viable. PSE requests normalization of federal income tax benefits related to the VROW Program over the amortization period. PSE also proposes to include all related balance sheet accounts in working capital. The Company proposes no changes for costs associated with its traditional, dedicated right-of-way tree trimming program. The Company specifies it will evaluate the effectiveness of the Program through development of a measurement model. Beginning in September 1998, PSE will start tracking outages at a grid number level and developing improvement and maintenance plans at a circuit’s subsection. PSE will use this information to estimate historical performance for a circuit subsection, capture outage information, estimate costs for improving or maintaining the subsection, and capture actual costs for any work performed on the subsection. The Company will report annually on effectiveness of the Program following the first full year of Program and evaluation model operation. The first report will be issued in September 1999. At each reporting period for the first four years, the Company will determine whether Program expenditures have resulted in measurable system reliability improvements and if so, will continue to implement the Program. If the Company cannot demonstrate measurable system improvements have resulted from the preceding years’ Program implementation, then further expenditures will be curtailed. According to the Company, this proposal is consistent with the accounting treatment for the purchase of additional right-of-way and the initial clearing of trees under the traditional approach. The accounting treatment related to this proposal is designed to achieve the benefits of this virtual right-of-way program without increasing the Company's revenue requirements. FINDINGS THE COMMISSION FINDS: 1. PSE is a public service company furnishing electric and gas service primarily in the Puget Sound region of the State of Washington and is subject to the regulatory authority of the Commission as to its rates, service, facilities and practices. 2. On June 23, 1998, PSE filed with the Commission a Petition for an order regarding the accounting and ratemaking treatment of a proposed Virtual Right-Of-Way Program ("VROW Program"). 3. The accounting treatment proposed by PSE is reasonable, and should be approved. ORDER WHEREFORE, THE COMMISSION HEREBY ORDERS: 1. Authorization is hereby given for PSE to: (a) Capitalize, for recovery in rates, the VROW Program costs in account 182.3, Other Regulatory Assets, as a deferred charge; (Deferral will cease when the VROW Program is completed, terminated, or June 30, 2003, whichever is sooner.) (b) Commence amortization in 1998 of the regulatory asset using half month amortization convention over a 10 year period; (c) Normalize federal income taxes related to the VROW Program expenditures; and (d) Include the regulatory asset and related deferred tax accounts in working capital for ratemaking purposes. 2. PSE will prepare and submit annual evaluations of the VROW Program’s effectiveness. The first report will be issued in September 30, 1999 and will continue annually through September 30, 2003, inclusive. The Company will also submit with the annual report PSE’s actual expenditures under both the VROW and Standard Vegetation Management Programs. The Company’s VROW program communication strategy will be included in the evaluation process. 3. Nothing herein shall be construed to waive or otherwise impair the jurisdiction of the Commission over the rates, services, accounts, and practices of Applicant, Puget Sound Energy. Under the Commission’s general ratemaking authority, such regulatory accounting and the potential ratemaking treatment of the Company’s costs under the Virtual Right-of-Way Program are subject to evaluation and review in subsequent rate proceedings. PSE bears the burden of proving the fairness, justness, and reasonableness of these matters in such proceedings. 4. The Commission retains jurisdiction to effectuate the provisions of this Order. DATED at Olympia, Washington and effective this [8] th day of July, 1998. WASHINGTON UTILITIES AND TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION ANNE LEVINSON, Chair WILLIAM R. GILLIS, Commissioner