DOCKET Page 1 BEFORE THE WASHINGTON UTILITIES AND TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION In the Matter of the Initial Tariff Filing ) ) ) ) of ) ) DOCKET NO. UT-980441 ) ) ORDER REJECTING ) INITIAL TARIFF W.T. COMMUNICATIONS SERVICES, INC., ) ) ) ) On March 19, 1998, W.T. Communications Services, Inc. (WT), filed its initial tariff with the Commission pursuant to the Commission's order in Docket No. UT-980035. The proposed initial tariff includes provisions for providing prepaid calling card services. The Commission's order in Docket No. UT-980035 required WT to file a bond before offering prepaid calling card services to the public. WT has not submitted a bond satisfying the requirements for filing the tariff and beginning operations in the State. IT IS THEREFORE ORDERED That the above initial tariff, submitted herein March 19, 1998, is rejected in its entirety. DATED at Olympia, Washington, and effective this 8th day of April, 1998. WASHINGTON UTILITIES AND TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION PAUL CURL, Acting Secretary