Agenda Date: March 25, 1998 Item Number: 2A and 2B Dockets: UE-980414 and UE-980261 Company Name: Puget Sound Energy Staff: Roland C. Martin, Energy Regulatory Consultant Ken Hua, Revenue Requirements Specialist Recommendation: 1) Allow the tariff revisions filed by Puget Sound Energy (PSE) in Docket UE-980261 to become effective April 1, 1998, as filed. 2) Approve the tariff revisions filed by PSE in Docket UE-980414 and grant PSE’ s request for a waiver of statutory notice to permit an effective date of April 1, 1998. Discussion: On February 27, 1998, PSE filed with the Commission under its Advice No. 98013 revisions to its currently effective Tariff WN U-60 with a requested effective date of April 1, 1998. This filing encompasses several changes to street lighting services that the company offers. The proposed revisions effect a consolidation of all incandescent and mercury vapor lights presently billed under schedules 50, 51 and 52 along with the elimination of Schedule 51. Schedule 50 is being filed to include those lights presently on Schedules 51 and 52 on a single schedule. There is no change in the monthly rates for any of the existing lights to be served under the revised Schedule 50. The consolidated incandescent and mercury vapor lighting services are limited to existing lights in their existing locations. The proposed Schedule 52, Custom Lighting Service, is a new offering of sodium vapor and metal halide street light services which is being made in order to accommodate the requests by PSE customers for customized lighting which cannot be accommodated under the existing schedules. The monthly rates equal the sum of lamp charge and facilities charge. The lamp charge covers the energy costs and is based on current rates under existing schedules. The facilities charge is a specific percent applied to the estimated installed cost of the lighting system. The customer will have three facilities charge options: 1) a monthly facilites charge of 1.57% of the estimated installed cost covering taxes, depreciation, insurance, return and routine maintenance, 2) a one-time payment equal to the estimated installed cost including the effect of Schedule 87 (Income Tax Rider on Contribution in Aid of Construction) plus a monthly facilities charge of .23% of the estimated installed cost covering routine maintenance, and (3) a one-time payment equal to the estimated installed cost excluding the effect of Schedule 87 plus a monthly facilities charge of .47% of the estimated installed cost covering routine maintenance and the effect of Schedule 87. Service will be provided pursuant to a ten year agreement with the customer. As an illustration of the facilities charge options, assuming a custom light costs $1,500 to install, a customer will pay: Option 1- a monthly facilities charge of $23.55; Option 2- a monthly facilities charge of $3.45 plus one-time payment for the installed cost and Schedule 87 income tax rider; Option 3- a monthly facilities charge of $7.05 plus one-time payment for the installed cost. Dockets UE-980414 and UE-980261 March 25, 1998 Page 1 On March 12, 1998, PSE filed with the Commission under its Advice No. 98014 revisions to its currently effective Tariff WN U-60, Schedule 120-Electricity Conservation Service Rider, bearing an inserted effective of April 12, 1998. However, PSE requests that statutory notice be waived and that the revisions become effective April 1, 1998. The purpose of the filing is to make revisions to Schedule 120 so that it is in sync with changes made in Schedules 50, 51, and 52, as discussed above. Schedule 120 implements surcharges to electric service rates to collect the costs incurred in providing conservation services and programs. The reason for requesting waiver of statutory notice is to make the effective date coincident with the effective date of the tariffs included in Docket UE-980261. PSE serves approximately 872,000 electric customers in various areas throughout Western and Central Washington. Of this total, approximately 1,400 customers are outdoor lighting customers. Staff has reviewed the proposed tariff revisions including the rates and terms and conditions of service and based on the review findings, the company incorporated in its filing certain staff proposed clarifying text changes, routine maintenance guarantee options, and technical corrections mutually agreed to be appropriate. Staff concludes that the proposed tariff revisions in Docket UE-980261 are fair and reasonable and therefore, recommends approval of the filing to become effective April 1, 1998. Considering the proposed revisions in Docket UE-980414 do not change rates to customers and effect synchronization with the tariff revisions in Docket UE-980261, staff also recommends the Commission approve the proposed Schedule 120 revisions and grant the request for waiver of statutory notice to permit an effective date of April 1, 1998.