Docket UT-980149 Page 1 BEFORE THE WASHINGTON UTILITIES AND TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION In the Matter of the Petition ) of U S WEST Communications, ) Inc. to Increase Expense Limit) DOCKET UT-980149 from $500 to $2,000, pursuant ) to 47 C.F.R. Sec. 32.2000, as ) ORDER GRANTING PETITION Amended ) ______________________________) On February 2, 1998, U S WEST Communications, Inc. (U S WEST) filed a petition pursuant to WAC 480-120-031 and the Commission’s rules, to adopt a change in its state accounting standards to conform to FCC Part 32 Uniform System of Accounts (USOA), effective on January 1, 1998. The first of the two accounting changes proposed would increase the dollar level below which asset purchases could be charged to expense accounts from $500 to $2,000,for the following plant accounts: 2112, Motor Vehicles 2113, Aircraft 2114, Special Purpose Vehicles 2115, Garage Work Equipment 2116, Other Work Equipment 2122, Furniture 2123, Office Equipment 2124, General Purpose Computers An exception would be personal computers recorded in Account 2124, General Purpose Computers, which would continue to be subject to the $500 expense limit. The second proposed accounting change would establish a five-year amortization period for recovery of the undepreciated portion of embedded assets affected by the expense limit change. US WEST states that granting its petition would allow it to keep a uniform expensing methodology on both state and federal levels. The Commission has reviewed US WEST’s petition and believes it should be approved. However, the Commission’s approval of the accounting treatment requested by US WEST should not be construed as a determination of ratemaking treatment. The Commission will reserve the right to determine the ratemaking treatment of these issues in future US WEST rate proceedings. FINDINGS THE COMMISSION FINDS: 1. U S WEST Communications, Inc., a Washington corporation, is a public service company subject to the jurisdiction of this Commission under the provisions of chapter 80.36 RCW. 2. As to form, the application filed herein meets the requirements of WAC 480-120-031. 3. After review, the Commission finds that US WEST’s petition to amend its state accounting standards regarding expense limits on purchased assets to conform to FCC Part 32 Uniform System of Accounts (USOA), effective on January 1, 1998, should be approved. 4. Approval of US WEST’s accounting petition should not be construed as approval of any particular ratemaking treatment. O R D E R THE COMMISSION ORDERS: 1. Subject to the conditions of this order, the petition by U S WEST Communications, Inc. to adopt a change in its state accounting standards to conform to FCC Part 32 Uniform System of Accounts (USOA)regarding expense limits on purchased assets, effective on January 1, 1998, is approved. 5. This order shall in no way affect the authority of this Commission over rates, service, or accounts, evaluations, estimates, or determination of cost or any matters whatsoever that may come before it, nor shall anything herein be construed as an acquiescence in any estimate or determination of cost or any valuation of property claimed or asserted. DATED at Olympia, Washington and effective this 25th day of June, 1998. WASHINGTON UTILITIES AND TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION Carole J. Washburn, Secretary