BEFORE THE WASHINGTON UTILITIES AND TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION In The Matter of a Petition Requesting Exception to Commission Rules and Allowing Temporary Discontinuance of Commercial Ferry Service, APPLIED TECHNICAL SYSTEMS, BC-119, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) DOCKET TS-971722 ORDER GRANTING TEMPORARY DISCONTINUANCE OF SERVICE AUTHORIZED UNDER CERTIFICATE, WITH CONDITIONS On December 1, 1997, the Commission received a petition from Applied Technical Systems, BC-119. The petition requests that the Commission grant an exception to WAC 480-51-130, and allow Applied Technical Systems to discontinue, until 1999, providing passenger service authorized under its certificate. Applied Technical Systems currently holds authority to provide commercial ferry passenger service between Bremerton and Poulsbo via Keyport. WAC 480-51-130 provides that: No certificate holder shall discontinue the service authorized under its certificate and set forth in its filed time schedule without first having given to the commission and to the public, at least fifteen days' notice, in writing, of its intention to discontinue such service, and without having secured the commission's permission. The commission shall not grant permission for discontinuance of service for periods exceeding twelve months. The petition explains that Kitsap County Transit subsidized Applied Technical Systems for the first two seasons of operation. The Transit Board recently decided, however, to discontinue any further subsidy. Without the subsidy the Applied Technical Systems is unable to operate the ferry at a break-even condition, thus harming current and future viability as a common carrier. The petition further stated that the City of Bremerton waterfront area is to be redeveloped into a complex called Sinclair Landing. The complex will be supported by a new Washington State ferry terminal in Bremerton and will consist of shops, museums, theaters, condominiums, and major outlet stores. The carrier believes that the redevelopment will result in large numbers of shoppers and tourists to the Bremerton area. Applied Technical Systems anticipates new opportunities to provide service in its certificated area, particularly to the marine museum in Keyport, and believes it will be called upon to transport a larger number of tourists to Poulsbo. Applied Technical Systems speculates that it will then be able to operate at a profit even without the Kitsap County subsidy. Applied Technical Systems therefore requests the Commission allow it to discontinue service until the Sinclair Landing development is complete. Pursuant to review of the petition, its accompanying documentation, and staff investigation, the Commission finds that granting a temporary discontinuance of service at this time is warranted. The Commission also finds, however, that allowing a discontinuance for the length of time requested by Applied Technical Systems may not be in the public interest. The Commission will, instead, grant a twelve-month discontinuance. Applied Technical Systems may request extensions to that discontinuance should circumstances continue to support such action. It will be Applied Technical Systems’ responsibility to apply to the Commission for extension at least 60 days prior to the expiration of the discontinuance authorized herein. That filing must be accompanied by data that details the progress of the Sinclair Landing Development and updated information as to the date that Applied Technical Systems anticipates return to regular service. Additional information may be requested by Commission staff upon receipt of any petition for extension. Further, the Commission will impose a condition that provides for passenger service should an immediate and urgent need arise. Under this condition should an immediate need arise for commercial ferry service, Applied Technical Systems must be prepared to resume service to meet those needs. If Applied Technical Systems cannot, or will not, resume service the Commission will consider that it has waived interest in its commercial ferry certificate. The Commission will then institute proceedings to cancel Applied Technical Systems’ certificate and to grant authority to another carrier who is prepared to meet the needs of the traveling public. O R D E R IT IS ORDERED That: (1) The Commission hereby grants to Applied Technical Systems a temporary discontinuance of the service provided for under its commercial ferry certificate, BC-119. (2) Said discontinuance period to begin January 1, 1998, and to expire December 31, 1998. (3) Applied Technical Systems may apply to the Commission to extend said period of discontinuance by filing a petition for same which fully describes the need for continued discontinuance of service, progress of the Sinclair Landing Development plan, and updated estimates of the date upon which the company anticipates return to regular service. Said petition must be filed at least 60 days prior to the expiration date of the current discontinuance. (4) Should an immediate, urgent need arise for commercial ferry passenger service in the territory authorized by BC-119, Applied Technical Systems must return to service to meet that need. In the event that Applied Technical Systems cannot, or will not, provide such service, the Commission shall consider that Applied Technical Systems has waived interest in its certificate. The Commission will institute a proceeding to cancel the certificate and to grant authority to a common carrier who is prepared to meet the needs of the traveling public. DATED and signed at Olympia, Washington this day of January, 1998. WASHINGTON UTILITIES AND TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION PAUL CURL, Acting Secretary