DOCKET UE-971591 Page 1 BEFORE THE WASHINGTON UTILITIES AND TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION In the Matter of the Requested ) Waiver of Statutory Notice in ) DOCKET UE-971591 Connection with the Tariff ) Revision Filed by ) ORDER GRANTING LESS Puget Sound Energy ) THAN STATUTORY NOTICE ) On October 31, 1997, Puget Sound Energy (PSE or Company) filed with the Commission under Advice No. 97-21, a revision to its Tariff WN U-60. The revisions are designated upon each rate schedule previously approved by the Commission in Docket UE-971102 for the Company's Power of Choice open access pilot program. The filed tariff sheets denote an effective date of December 1, 1997. This date recognizes statutory notice as required. The Company requests, however, that statutory notice be waived and that the Commission issue an order approving the tariff changes effective November 6, 1997. The purpose of the filing is to make revisions to the Company's Power of Choice pilot program schedules so that they are consistent with the Company's related filing before the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC). In its request, the Company notes that FERC has required that any unbundled retail transmission service, including service under a pilot program such as PSE's Power of Choice program, shall be provided under the transmission provider's FERC-jurisdiction open access transmission tariff. PSE's open access transmission tariff is currently pending before FERC in Docket OA-96-161-000. As approved by the Commission, the Power of Choice pilot program tariff sheets do not include separate charges for unbundled transmission service. Those charges are embedded in the pilot delivery rates. The proposed revised tariff sheets, reflect separately stated transmission charges. Accordingly, the delivery charges are reduced by the same amount and there is no net change in price to pilot customers or alternate suppliers. The proposed transmission charges are based on a methodology whereby a FERC transmission revenue requirement is classified and allocated to pilot program customers based on PSE's currently effective Commission-approved procedures. In the Order approving PSE's Power of Choice pilot program (UE-971102), the Commission recognized the potential implications of FERC's assertion of jurisdiction over the transmission service portion of PSE's pilot program. In Findings of Fact numbers seven and eight, the following were required: _The Company, Commission Staff, and Public Counsel should work together to develop any necessary FERC applications and requests to permit the pilot program to proceed. _If any changes to the bundled pilot program service tariffs are required by FERC, then the Company must report on the implications of these changes and refile the pilot program tariffs with the Commission if the changes are material. The proposed revisions are consistent with the Commission's requirements in Docket UE-971102. Because the proposed tariff revisions do not change the net effective rates to pilot program customers, the Company requests that the Commission allow a waiver of the 30-day statutory notice period. Since the tariff revisions filed herein are fair, just and reasonable, and waiver of statutory notice is not inconsistent with the public interest, it is deemed appropriate that the Company be granted the waiver it is requesting with an effective date of November 6, 1997. FINDINGS 1. After careful examination of the tariff revision filed herein by Puget Sound Energy, on October 31, 1997, and giving consideration to all relevant matters and for good cause shown, the Commission finds that the tariff revision should become effective November 6, 1997. 2. In Docket UE-971102, the Commission indicated that any application to the FERC related to PSE's customer choice pilot does not constitute explicit or implicit approval by the Commission of any specific facility or functional split between distribution and transmission services. The Commission again reiterates that position. 3. By approving the requested changes to PSE's Power of Choice pilot program schedules, the Commission does not indicate general acceptance of FERC jurisdiction over the rates, terms, and conditions of service for unbundled retail transmission service. O R D E R THE COMMISSION THEREFORE ORDERS That the requested waiver of statutory notice in connection with the tariff revision filed herein by Puget Sound Energy, on October 31, 1997, is hereby granted, and said tariff revision shall become effective November 6, 1997. DATED at Olympia, Washington, and effective this th day of November, 1997. WASHINGTON UTILITIES AND TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION STEVE McLELLAN Secretary