BEFORE THE WASHINGTON UTILITIES AND TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION In the Matter of the Requests of ) Scenic Properties Water Company, Inc. ) DOCKET UW-971521 (1) to Transfer its Water System to ) Scenic Shores Community Association, Inc.) ORDER GRANTING and (2) for Removal from Commission ) TRANSFER, REMOVAL Regulation. ) OF COMPANY FROM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ) REGULATION On October 14, 1997, Scenic Properties Water Company, Inc. (Company) filed (1) a request for approval to transfer its water system to Scenic Shores Community Association, Inc. and (2) a request to be removed from Commission regulation. The Company served 187 customers in rural Thurston County and is currently regulated by the Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission. On June 1, 1996, Scenic Shores Community Association, Inc. took over operation of the Company. It is operated as a nonprofit utility, serving only its members. Therefore, it is not subject to Commission jurisdiction. As a result of this transfer, the Company will no longer provide water service. The Commission can remove a water company from regulation under the provisions of RCW 80.04.010. A water company cannot be removed from regulation except with the approval of the Commission. Removing the Company from regulation will not be inconsistent with the public interest, because the water system is operated by Scenic Shores Community Association, Inc., on behalf of its members. On May 29, 1996, the Commission received a copy of two Quit Claim Deeds dated May 17, 1996, whereby the Company assigns and quit claims to Scenic Shores Community Association, Inc., any and all easements, rights-of-way, licenses and franchises, together with any and all pipelines, water pumps, pipes, valves, fittings, meters, meter boxes, storage tanks, and pump houses in place, and in use in connection with the water system previously operated by the Company. FINDINGS THE COMMISSION FINDS: 1. Scenic Properties Water Company, Inc., is a Washington business operated as a public service company subject to the jurisdic-tion of this Commission under the provisions of chapters 80.12 RCW. DOCKET UW-971521 Page 1 2. Scenic Shores Community Association, Inc., is a nonprofit utility serving only its members and, therefore, the Commission does not regulate it. 3. The Commission does not require any additional information to determine this matter and, therefore, waives the requirement in WAC 480-143-030 for additional information from a nonutility. 4. It appears the transfer is reasonable and consistent with the public interest and should, therefore, be approved. O R D E R THE COMMISSION ORDERS: 1. Scenic Properties Water Company, Inc., is hereby authorized to transfer its water system to Scenic Shores Community Association, Inc., pursuant to the Quit Claim Deeds filed with the Commission on May 29, 1996. 2. Scenic Properties Water Company, Inc., is removed from regulation by this Commission as of the effective date of this order. DATED and signed at Olympia, Washington, on this 6th day of November, 1997, and effective the 7th day of November, 1997. WASHINGTON UTILITIES AND TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION STEVE McLELLAN, Secretary