DOCKET UT-971374 Page 1 BEFORE THE WASHINGTON UTILITIES AND TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION In the Matter of the Application of ) NEW CENTURY TELECOM, INC., ) DOCKET UT-971374 for an Order Authorizing the ) Registration of Applicant as a ) AUTHORIZING Telecommunications Company. ) REGISTRATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ) On September 11, 1997, New Century Telecom, Inc., filed an ap-plication for regi-stration as a telecom-munications company pursuant to RCW 8--0.36.350. The applicant proposes to offer resold direct dial long distance, inbound 800/888, and travel calling card services to the public. New Century Telecom, Inc., is a Virginia corporation, headquartered in McLean, Virginia. The corporation is wholly-owned by Charles H. Helein. Rates, terms and conditions set forth in the proposed tariff are struc-tured similarly to rates filed by other telecom-munications companies for calls placed in the relevant market. New Century Telecom, Inc., has provided information showing that it possesses adequate financial resources, and technical competence to provide the proposed services. The applicant does not propose to collect advance payments or deposits from customers. FINDINGS THE COMMISSION FINDS: 1. New Century Telecom, Inc., filed an application pursuant to the provisions of RCW 80.36.350 and the rules and regulations of the Commission for an order approving its application for registration as a telecommuni-cations company. 2. As to form, the application filed herein, as sup-plemented and amended, meets the requirements of RCW 80.36.350 and the rules and regulations of the Commission adopted pursuant thereto. 3. The registration of New Century Telecom, Inc., as a telecommunications company is not inconsistent with the public interest. 4. In this proceeding, the Commission in no way endorses the financial viability of applicant nor the investment quality of any securities it may issue. O R D E R THE COMMISSION ORDERS: 1. After the effective date of this order and subject to the conditions hereof, the application of New Century Telecom, Inc., filed with the Commission pur-suant to the provisions of RCW 80.36.350 requesting an order authorizing registration as a telecommunications company to pro-vide service to the public in this state is approved. 2. The proposed tariff as filed on September 11, 1997, and amended in Exhibit G, attached to the application, is satis-factory. Prior to supplying service to the public as a telecom-munications company, New Century Telecom, Inc., shall file an initial tariff with the Commission identical to the amended Exhibit G of the application. The tariff shall bear an effective date not less than 30 days subsequent to the date of receipt by the Commission. 3. Registration of New Century Telecom, Inc., as a telecommunications company shall not be construed as an endorse- ment of financial viability nor of the investment quality of any securities it may issue. 4. As a telecommunications company providing service to the public in this state, New Century Telecom, Inc., is subject to the jurisdiction of this Commis-sion under the provisions of Title 80 RCW and all rules and regu-lations of the Commission adopted pursuant thereto. 5. New Century Telecom, Inc., shall not collect advance payments or deposits without first showing that it has a satisfactory arrangement to protect customer monies as stated in WAC 480-121-040. DATED at Olympia, Washington, and effective this 8th day of October, 1997. STEVE McLELLAN, Secretary