DOCKET UE-971300 Page 1 BEFORE THE WASHINGTON UTILITIES AND TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION In the matter of the request of ) THE WASHINGTON WATER POWER COMPANY ) DOCKET UE-971300 for an order establishing ) compliance with RCW 80.08.040 ) ORDER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) On August 19, 1997, The Washington Water Power Company (“Applicant”) filed its application before the Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission in this matter for an order establishing compliance with RCW 80.08.040. Background In its filing, the Applicant proposes to (a) issue, sell, deliver, and/or guarantee Debt Securities, in one or more series, with an aggregate stated value of up to and including $250,000,000, and/or (b) refund currently outstanding Tax-Exempt Debt Securities, in one or more series, with an aggregate stated value of up to and including $85,000,000. (The Debt Securities and Tax-Exempt Debt Securities, collectively, the “Securities”). Each issue of Securities may contain a provision allowing it to be redeemed or repaid prior to maturity. An early redemption provision may allow the Securities to be redeemed or repaid at any time, or it may allow the Securities to be redeemed or repaid only after a certain restrictive period. In either case, the Securities will be redeemable at par or at a premium over par. Securities may bear a fixed or floating rate of interest and may be issued at par or with an original issue discount or premium. In all series’ issuances, the terms for the sale of each series will be determined at the time of issuance, and underwriters, agents, or other purchasers will be selected at that time. The terms for the sale of each series and the names of the underwriters, agents, or other purchasers will be supplied at the time of issuance. Debt Securities Debt Securities may be issued in the form of Unsecured Debt Securities (“Debentures”) or Unsecured Medium-Term Notes (“Notes”), and may contain certain features which enhance the Debt Securities. Debentures may be sold to underwriters or through agents who in turn will offer the Debentures to investors, or may be sold directly to investors either with or without the assistance of a private placement agent. Debentures may be registered with the SEC and may be listed on a securities exchange. Early redemption or callable provisions will be determined and supplied at the time of issuance. Notes may require registration under the federal securities laws. Notes may be issued as part of a program on a continuous or periodic basis. The Applicant may sell Notes through placement agents who market Notes on a reasonable efforts basis. The Applicant may also sell Notes to underwriters who in turn offer Notes to investors or it may sell Notes directly to investors. Notes may be listed on a securities exchange. If Notes are sold through a placement agent, at least two agents will be used to ensure competitive pricing. Based on market conditions or consultation with the placement agents, the Applicant will determine the interest rates or interest rate formulas at which it would be willing to issue Notes of various maturities. The placement agents will be notified of those interest rates or the method of calculation thereof. The rates can be continuously updated to reflect changing market conditions and the Applicant’s demand for funds. It may be appropriate from time to time for the Applicant to issue and sell other types of Debt Securities. These could be in the form of, but not limited to, convertible debt or a variation or combination of the types of Debt Securities previously described herein. Market conditions change rapidly and continuously, and the Applicant requests the flexibility to issue a form of Debt Securities that has not been specifically described herein, albeit within the dollar limits herein requested. In advance of the date of issuance, the Applicant will notify the Commission, by letter, of the nature of any such other types of Debt Securities. Tax-Exempt Debt Securities The Applicant currently has outstanding $83.7 million of tax-exempt first mortgage bonds. When the bonds were originally issued, the Applicant entered into financing arrangements with a political subdivision (“Authority”) which was able to issue tax-exempt debt. Given the current environment of interest rates, the Applicant believes it may be able to refund these securities with lower interest rates in generally the same procedure as originally issued. Feature to Enhance Debt or Tax-Exempt Securities From time to time, the Applicant may be able to reduce its borrowing costs by issuing fixed- or floating-rate debt and entering into one or a series of interest rate swap (“Swap”) contracts to convert fixed interest payments into favorable floating-rate payments or vice versa, or to convert floating-rate payments tied to one index (e.g., LIBOR) into floating-rate payments tied to another index (e.g., the Federal Reserve Composite Rate for commercial paper). Utilizing Swaps, when appropriate, will result in savings for ratepayers. FINDINGS THE COMMISSION FINDS: 1. The Washington Water Power Company, a Washington corporation, is a public service company subject to the jurisdiction of this Commission under the provisions of Chapter 80.08 RCW. 2. As to form, the application herein meets the requirements of Chapter 80.08 RCW and the rules and regulations of the Commission adopted pursuant thereto. 3. The Company’s application in this Docket contains: (a) a description of the purposes for which the proposed securities will be issued, certified by an authorized officer; (b) a description of the proposed issuances, including the terms of financing; and (c) a statement as to why the proposed transactions are in the public interest. 4. An order consistent with the above findings is not contrary to the public interest. ORDER THE COMMISSION ORDERS: 1. The Washington Water Power Company has complied with the requirements of RCW 80.08.040. 2. The Washington Water Power Company file, as soon as available: (a) the Report of Securities Issued required by RCW Chapter 80; (b) verified copies of any agreement entered into in connection with any transaction pursuant to this order; and (c) a verified statement setting forth in reasonable detail the disposition of the proceeds of each offering made pursuant to this order. 3. This order shall in no way affect the authority of this Commission over rates, service, accounts, valuations, estimates or determination of costs, or any matters whatsoever that may come before it, nor shall anything herein be construed as an acquiescence in any estimate or determination of costs, or any valuation of property claimed or asserted. DATED at Olympia, Washington, and effective this th day of October, 1997. WASHINGTON UTILITIES AND TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION STEVE McLELLAN Secretary