BEFORE THE WASHINGTON UTILITIES AND TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION In the Matter of the Petition of ) DOCKET NO. UT-971166 U S WEST Communications, Inc., ) for a Temporary Waiver of ) ORDER GRANTING Administrative Rules ) TEMPORARY WAIVER OF RULES ) WAC 480-120-138(a), (b), (7), . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ) AND (9) On July 18, 1997, U S WEST Communications, Inc., (USWC or company) petitioned the Commission for a temporary waiver of WAC 480-120-138 to allow it to restrict coin access on certain pay telephones during certain hours within the city of Spokane for a period of 120 days. USWC asks for a temporary limited waiver of the requirement that a coin phone be operable by coin at all times so that it can develop a program similar to the one adopted by the city of Seattle that is consistent with the Commission's Policy Statement, Coin Restriction of Pay Telephones, in Docket No. UT-940171. The temporary waiver of the rule will allow the company adequate time to pursue a public process within the city of Spokane to determine whether coin restriction is appropriate in its jurisdiction. The company has been asked by the Spokane Police Department to allow coin restriction in certain locations where it is experiencing illicit activity. The Spokane Police Department has identified three payphones at this time, and requests the ability to coin restrict up to ten payphones. The company believes that coin restriction will help resolve problems caused by illicit behavior taking place from and around some of its pay telephones. Although the affected phones have already been restricted to one-way outgoing service, the illicit behavior is still occurring, and the space providers have asked the company to coin restrict the phones during the evening hours. Coin restriction will be used as a "last resort" option to modify and retain the pay telephone versus removing it, and to meet the needs of communities and/or end users who require a safe environment. Emergency access, operator assistance, and calling card services will be available from the coin restricted sets; the phones will be clearly posted to note the availability of these services. The time period requested for the waiver is 120 days. USWC proposes to work with the city of Spokane to develop the processes envisioned in the Commission’s Policy Statement on Coin Restriction. The company is hopeful that after the waiver period, a process much like the one that was adopted by the city of Seattle will be in place in Spokane. DOCKET NO. UT-971166 PAGE 1 HISTORY: In April 1993, USWC asked the Commission to interpret the payphone rule as to whether a payphone could be restricted against coin use during certain hours of the day. The Commission entered a declaratory order stating that the practice was not permitted under existing rules. In December 1993, USWC petitioned the Commission in Docket No. UT-931556 to change or waive WAC 480-120-138 to allow the company to restrict certain payphones from accepting coins between 6:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m. In lieu of immediate rulemaking, the Commission in February 1994, began a Notice of Inquiry process to gather information about the problems, consider options, and promote dialogue aimed at understanding affected public interests, to determine whether a rule change is needed. On February 23, 1994, the Commission granted USWC a temporary waiver of WAC 480-120-138 in Docket No. UT-931491 to allow temporary coin restriction of certain pay telephones, subject to conditions, as DOCKET NO. UT-971166 PAGE 1 a pilot program. The pilot program was limited to the time to complete the Notice of Inquiry process in Docket No. UT-940171. On October 4, 1994, the Commission adopted a Policy Statement in Docket No. UT-940171 that terminated the Notice of Inquiry and provided information about factors the Commission would consider when deciding whether to allow coin restriction. The order terminated the temporary waiver of WAC 480-120-138 subject to conditions, providing that call restriction could continue in locations where it was already in effect in the pilot program, for a period of 120 days, to allow pursuit of a permanent waiver consistent with the policy statement. The Commission order indicated that USWC could request an extension of time by letter to the Secretary of the Commission, stating the reasons why the extension is needed. On February 3, 1995, the Commission granted USWC a 180-day extension of the temporary waiver to allow additional time to complete development of a process for local governments to determine whether coin restriction is appropriate for pay telephones in their jurisdictions, and specifying progress with the city of Seattle. On May 8, 1995, the city of Seattle adopted Resolution No. 29124 which specifies its public process for determining whether a payphone should be coin restricted. Its process does allow temporary coin restriction during certain times, if specified conditions are met. The Commission agreed that the city of Seattle’s process met the intent of the Commission’s Policy Statement on Coin Restriction, and on October 25, 1995, the Commission granted USWC a permanent waiver for coin restricted phones located within the City of Seattle. Since that time Consumer Affairs staff has received very few inquiries and no informal complaints relating to coin restricted phones. EVALUATION: In its policy statement regarding coin restriction of payphones, the Commission indicated it will consider granting waivers under WAC 480-120-011 of the provisions of WAC 480-120-138 requiring pay telephones to be either credit only or coin and credit, full time. In considering such waivers, the Commission would look for the following showing by the petitioner. CRITERIA FOR WAIVER 1. The instrument will be plainly marked as coin restricted and will be clearly posted with a without-charge number, reaching the payphone provider, to which complaints about coin restriction may be addressed. 2. The local police authority with jurisdiction has requested that the instrument be coin restricted, and the petitioner, in this case USWC, maintains a record of the request. 3. The legislative body of the local jurisdiction in which the instrument is located has provided a letter to the payphone provider stating that it has determined, after a process in which members of the public have had an opportunity to participate, as to that instrument or that geographical area of the local jurisdiction for which waiver is sought, a) that other approaches to the problem have been unsuccessful or are not feasible, and b) coin restriction is requested. The Commission expects that USWC will work diligently with the city of Spokane, law enforcement, community groups, and other affected stakeholders, to develop a process to determine whether coin restriction is appropriate in Spokane. USWC envisions that the process adopted by Seattle will be a model for other municipalities, such as the city of Spokane. The Commission finds reasonable and consistent with the public interest, USWC's request for a 120-day temporary waiver of WAC 480-120-138 to allow for coin restriction on payphones during certain hours. Call restriction shall be limited to ten locations within the city of Spokane during this period. Currently, three payphones have been identified. The company must notify Staff of the date and location of any additional payphones to be restricted prior to the restriction. The Commission recognizes that circumstances may arise during the waiver period that may require coin restriction of more than ten payphones. The company must secure prior Commission approval before restricting any additional locations. Further, USWC could request an extension of time by letter to the Secretary of the Commission, stating the reasons why the extension is needed. O R D E R THE COMMISSION ORDERS That: 1. Temporary waiver of WAC 480-120-138(a), (b), (7), and (9) is granted to U S WEST Communications, Inc., for payphone locations within the city of Spokane, subject to the following conditions: a. The instrument shall be plainly marked as coin restricted and will be clearly posted with a without-charge number reaching the payphone provider to which complaints about coin restriction may be addressed; b. The local police authority has requested that the instrument be coin restricted, and the petitioner maintains a record of the request; and, c. The company and all affected persons strictly follow the guidelines adopted in the Commission’s policy on coin restriction (Docket No. UT-940171) which specifies the public process for determining whether a payphone should be coin restricted due to illicit usage. 2. The company must notify Staff of the date and location of payphones to be restricted prior to the restriction. The company must secure prior Commission approval before restricting over ten locations 3. USWC may request an extension of time by letter to the Secretary of the Commission, stating the reasons why the extension is needed. DATED at Olympia, Washington, and effective this 30th day of July 1997. WASHINGTON UTILITIES AND TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION STEVE McLELLAN Secretary