DOCKET UT-971143 Page 1 BEFORE THE WASHINGTON UTILITIES AND TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION In the Matter of the Joint ) Application for Approval of Merger ) DOCKET UT-971143 of SmarTel Communications, Inc., ) into SmarTalk TeleServices, Inc., ) and for Transfer of Assets and ) Customer Base from SmarTel ) Communications, Inc., ) ORDER GRANTING to SmarTalk TeleServices, Inc. ) APPLICATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ) On July 9, 1997, SmarTel Communications, Inc., (SmarTel), jointly with SmarTalk TeleServices, Inc., (SmarTalk) filed an application with the Commission under the provisions of chapter 80.12 RCW and chapter 480-143 WAC for an order authoriz- ing the merger of SmarTel into SmarTalk. SmarTel was registered as a telecommunications company in Docket UT-961582. The order authorizing registration was based upon SmarTel providing resale of long distance -and debit card services throughout the state of Washington. SmarTalk was registered as a telecommunications company in Docket UT-951159. SmarTalk was authorized to provide the resale of long distance and debit card services throughout the state of Washington. The result of the merger will be that SmarTel will no longer exist and that SmarTalk as a matter of law will own all assets of SmarTel, including all property, plant equipment and contract rights. In addition, the transaction effecting the merger will result in SmarTalk assuming all responsiblity for outstanding SmarTel debit cards. SmarTel will transfer assets and customer base to SmarTalk for a purchase price defined in the Agreement and Plan of Merger, filed as part of the application. SmarTel will no longer provide telecommunications services. Subsequent to this order, SmarTel's customers will continue to be billed under the rates, terms and conditions of SmarTel's tariff until such time that SmarTalk assumes SmarTel's Washington operations in their entirety. SmarTalk will then serve and bill SmarTel's customers under the rates, terms and conditions of SmarTalk's price list which will include similar products at comparable prices. SmarTel's customers are being notified of SmarTalk's acquisi-tion of SmarTel in writing by direct mail. Following the acquisi-tion, SmarTalk will cancel SmarTel's Washington tariff WN U-1. FINDINGS THE COMMISSION FINDS: 1. SmarTel Communications, Inc., is a public service company subject to regulation by this Commission, under the provisions of chapter 80.12 RCW and chapter 80.36 RCW. 2. -SmarTalk TeleServices, Inc., is a public service company subject to regulation by this Commission, under the provisions of chapter 80.12 RCW and chapter 80.36 RCW. 3. The application filed herein meets as to form, the requirements of chapter 80.12 RCW and the rules and regulations of the Commission adopted pursuant thereto. 4. The proposed sale and transfer is consistent with the public interest and should therefore be approved under the terms and conditions of this order. O R D E R THE COMMISSION ORDERS: 1. After the effective date of this order and subject to the provisions hereof, SmarTel Communications, Inc., is hereby authorized to transfer assets, customer base, and merge into SmarTalk TeleServices-, Inc., in accordance with the Agreement and Plan of Merger, filed as part of the application herein. 2. The reasonableness of any fees, charges, or accounting allocation involved in carrying out the provisions of the transfer of property arrangements approved herein are neither approved nor disapproved in this proceeding. 3. Within 30 days after the above authorized transfer has been consummated, SmarTalk TeleServices, Inc., shall file with the Commission true copies of the instruments of transfer which were executed pursuant to this order. 4. Prior to exercising the authority granted by ordering paragraph no. 1 of this order, SmarTalk TeleServices, Inc., will submit to the Commission price list revisions as required to provide service to the customers of SmarTel Communi- cations, Inc. 5. This order shall in no way affect the authority of this Commission over rates, service, or accounts, evaluations, estimates, or determination of cost or any matters whatsoever that may come before it, nor shall anything herein be construed as an acquiescence in any estimate or determination of cost or any valuation of property claimed or asserted. DATED at Olympia, Washington and effective this 24th day of September, 1997. WASHINGTON UTILITIES AND TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION STEVE McLELLAN, Secretary