July 11, 1997 RE: Rules Review Pursuant to Executive Order 97-02 Docket No. A-971104 TO ALL INTERESTED PARTIES: Governor Locke in Executive Order No.97-02 has directed agencies to review all significant rules within a four-year time frame. The Executive Order provides criteria for selection and identifies standards against which the reviewed rules shall be measured. The process is to begin with each agency’s identification of rules to be considered for review, and each agency’s development of a plan for its conduct of the review. On the reverse side of this letter is a notice indicating that the Commission is beginning this process, and inviting comments on rules or chapters to be reviewed, on those rules that do not need review, and on the plan for accomplishing the review in the time available. The notice identifies how persons can make comments and how they can nominate themselves to a mailing list for information about this process. The Commission would welcome your participation in this process. Sincerely, STEVE McLELLAN Secretary NOTICE OF OPPORTUNITY TO PARTICIPATE WUTC RULES REVIEW Invitation to Participate In March 1997, Governor Locke issued Executive Order 97-02 on Regulatory Reform. It requires each agency to review, over a four-year period, all rules that “have significant effects on businesses, labor, consumers, and the environment,” according to stated criteria. By September 1, 1997, each agency is to submit a plan outlining which rules it intends to review and how this review will be accomplished. The Commission invites any interested person to comment on the selection of rules for review and the development of its plan for rules review in Docket No. A-971104 The Commission’s rules are codified in Title 480 WAC. The rules are linked from the Commission’s Internet website (http://www.washington.edu/wutc/), are available at public libraries and law libraries, and are available for inspection at the Commission branch of the Washington State Library, located with the Commission’s Olympia office. Areas for Immediate Comment Suggestions for standards to determine which rules meet the criteria in the Executive Order (“having significant effects on businesses, labor, consumers, or the environment”). Please also include suggestions for rules or chapters that need not be reviewed. Suggestions as to specific rules that you believe the Commission should review. Please indicate (i) the rule by chapter or number and (ii) the reasons you believe the rule should be reviewed -- i.e., the “significant effects” posed by the rule. Suggestions for the schedule and format for the four-year review. A draft list of rules which have been proposed for review will be circulated to the mailing list. This list of rules will serve as a basis for comments on the schedule and format for review. Deadlines First-stage comments will be received through July 31, 1997. Those comments will be used to develop a draft list of proposed rules for review to circulate to the mailing list. Workshop Commission Staff is scheduling a workshop to discuss the project and specific suggestions with interested persons in Room 108 of the Commission’s Olympia office, on August 12, 1997, beginning at 9:30 a.m. Staff anticipates having a draft proposal for Commission consideration at the August 27, 1997 open public meeting. Mailing list If you would like to be placed on a mailing list to receive periodic updates as the Commission develops its rules review plan, please notify the Commission as specified below. Indicate your preference for electronic mail or regular mail, and provide either your E-mail or postal mailing address accordingly. Note: All commenters will automatically be placed on the mailing list. Contacts Please address comments and requests to be placed on the mailing list to the Secretary, re Docket No. A-971104, Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission, 1300 S. Evergreen Park Drive S.W., Olympia, Washington 98504-3172, or E-mail to . Telephone inquiries may be addressed to Bob Wallis at (360) 753-6404 or Jeffrey Showman at (360) 586-1196. (Click here to go to the website for Executive Order 97-02: http://www.wa.gov/governor/issues/eo_97-02.htm)