BEFORE THE WASHINGTON UTILITIES AND TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION In the Matter of Removing ) MARINE VIEW HEIGHTS WATER SYSTEM ) DOCKET UW-971054 from Commission Regulation ) ) ORDER REMOVING COMPANY ) FROM REGULATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ) On April 4, 1997, in ORDER OF PRELIMINARY APPOINTMENT OF RECEIVER, Grant County No. 97-2-00238-5, the Grant County Superior Court ordered that Grant County be appointed as receiver of the Marine View Heights public water system, which is an investor-owned water company regulated by the Commission. The court order states that Grant County is not subject to WUTC (Commission) jurisdiction and WUTC does not have jurisdiction over Grant County acting as receiver of this water system. The Commission can remove Marine View Heights Water System from regulation under the provisions of RCW 80.04.010. A water company cannot be removed from regulation except with the approval of the Commission. Removing Marine View Heights Water System from regulation will not be inconsistent with the public interest so long as the water system is operated under the supervision of Grant County as receiver, and should, therefore, be approved. It is therefore ordered that Marine View Heights Water System be removed from regulation by this Commission as of the effective date of this order. It is further ordered that the Commission will again assert jurisdiction, at the present Commission approved rate levels, if the court returns this company to an investor-owned status. DATED and signed at Olympia, Washington, on this 13th day of August, 1997, and effective the 14th day of August, 1997. WASHINGTON UTILITIES AND TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION STEVE McLELLAN,Secretary