BEFORE THE WASHINGTON UTILITIES AND TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION CITY OF DEER PARK Petitioner, THE BURLINGTON NORTHERN AND SANTA FE RAILROAD Respondent. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) DOCKET NO. TR-961634 ORDER GRANTING PETITION FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF A NEW GRADE CROSSING AT EAST “H” STREET BACKGROUND By petition filed with the Commission on December 23, 1996, the City of Deer Park seeks authority for the construction of a new grade crossing and the installation of shoulder-mounted signals and gates at the intersection of the proposed “H” Street and the tracks of the Burlington Northern and Santa Fe Railroad, located at railroad mile post 25.98, in the SW 1/4 of the SW 1/4 of Section 2, Township 28, Range 42 E, in the Willamette Meridian. Respondent has consented to an entry of an order by the Commission without further notice or hearing. DISCUSSION In the vicinity of the proposed crossing, “H” Street will be classified as a collector road, with a vehicle speed limit of 25 mph. Projected daily traffic after the completion of the project is 300 vehicles, including 45 trucks and 20 school bus trips. Daily train traffic through Deer Park includes 2 trains not exceeding 25 mph. The City of Deer Park is bisected by the BNSF tracks, with the main residential sections located east of the tracks, and the commercial center and developing areas located west of the tracks. In the vicinity of the City’s commercial center, residents having to cross the tracks are limited to the Main Street grade crossing, which is the only direct route west of the tracks for residents in the north and northwest sections of Deer Park. The Main Street grade crossing is located approximately ˝ mile north of the proposed “H” Street site. As a result of development in Deer Park, daily traffic through the Main Street crossing has increased from 1,630 in 1984 to 2,999 in 1994. Alternate routes exist, but require residents to travel either northwest or southwest out of their way. The “H” Street project engineer explained that “residents who don’t use the Main Street crossing have to travel several miles out of their way to get to a place they can see across the tracks.” Another major concern expressed by the City is that of limited access for emergency vehicles. In the event of a blockage to the Main Street crossing, emergency vehicles having to cross the tracks could be delayed when using alternate routes. DOCKET TR-961634 PAGE 2 The Construction of the “H” Street grade crossing is associated with the extension of “H” Street for a distance of approximately ˝ mile west. This extension will provide an alternate route between the east and west sections of Deer Park, but will consequently cross the Burlington Northern and Santa Fe Railroad tracks. Since the City’s commercial center and increasing traffic flows are also adjacent to the “H” Street site, the project’s purposes are to improve traffic circulation within the City by providing a practical alternative route for residents traveling across town, to divert some of Main Street’s traffic volumes, and to provide an alternative route for emergency vehicles having to cross the tracks. Furthermore, the extension of “H” Street will help to facilitate future development in the vicinity. The warning devices proposed for the “H” Street crossing include shoulder-mounted signals with gates. Since all of the grade crossings within Deer Park are equipped with the same devices, the City proposes these installations in the interest of safety to the motoring public, as well as consistency of warning devices for the benefit of Deer Park’s residents. A Determination of Non-Significance (DNS) has been issued for this project with regard to the State Environmental Policy Act. Commission Staff, having investigated the petition, recommends that the petition be approved, subject to specified conditions. The Commissioners, having reviewed the petition and being fully advised in the matter, believe that granting the petition, subject to the conditions set forth below, is in the public interest, and direct the Secretary to issue the order. ORDER THE COMMISSION GRANTS the petition of the City of Deer Park for the construction of a grade crossing and the installation of warning devices at the intersection of East “H” Street and the tracks of the Burlington Northern and Santa Fe Railroad Company at or near railroad mile post 25.98, subject to the following conditions: 1. All construction and installation shall conform to the plans filed in this proceeding. 2. The roadway grade for 25 feet on each side of the centerline of the railway at the crossing shall be level. DOCKET TR-961634 PAGE 3 3. The crossing shall be hard surfaced between rails and for a distance of at least one foot outside each rail for the full width of the traveled roadway, including the sidewalk. 4. All devices shall be erected in such a manner as to provide required clearances for both rail and vehicular traffic. 5. Traffic control devices, pavement markings, and advance warning signs shall comply with all applicable standards specified the U.S. Department of Transportation Manual On Uniform Traffic Control Devices. 6. Upon completion of the construction and installations authorized herein, petitioner shall report completion to the Commission. Acceptance of the construction is subject to a compliance inspection and report by Commission staff verifying that the grade crossing is in full compliance with law and regulation and the conditions specified herein. Dated at Olympia, Washington, and effective this 9TH day of February, 2000 WASHINGTON UTILITIES AND TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION CAROLE J. WASHBURN, Secretary