"Hunter, Kathy (UTC)" ---04/15/2015 01:38:44 PM---Terrel. A few updates to the petition.
From: "Hunter, Kathy (UTC)" <khunter@utc.wa.gov>
To: "Terrel A. Anderson" <TAANDERS@UP.COM>
Cc: "Curl, Paul (UTC)" <pcurl@utc.wa.gov>
Date: 04/15/2015 01:38 PM
Subject: RE: Park Rd application to replace existing cantilever with flashing lights with gates MP5.63 Spokane Valley DOT#662510F Spokane Sub
A few updates to the petition.
Please update the speed of the roadway to 35 mph.
Page 8 needs the sight distances added.
Also, the current location of the bungalow impacts the sight distance significantly, reducing it to 100 feet in the southeast quadrant. As part of the signal project could Union Pacific look at placement of the bungalow and see if there’s a location where the bungalow could be placed that wouldn’t impacted the sight distance so severely. The minimum sight distance for this crossing is 199 feet.
Otherwise, the petition looks good. I’ll wait for the updated petition to proceed.
Thanks -
Kathy Hunter, Deputy Assistant Director, Transportation Safety
Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission
1300 S. Evergreen Park Dr. SW
PO Box 47250
Olympia, WA 98504-7250
Office Telephone: (360) 664-1257
Cell: (360) 701-1612
Fax: (360) 586-1150
From: Hunter, Kathy (UTC)
Sent: Tuesday, April 14, 2015 1:37 PM
To: 'Terrel A. Anderson'
Cc: Curl, Paul (UTC)
Subject: RE: Park Rd application to replace existing cantilever with flashing lights with gates MP5.63 Spokane Valley DOT#662510F Spokane Sub
Terrel – I will check back with you tomorrow on this petition.
Kathy Hunter, Deputy Assistant Director, Transportation Safety
Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission
1300 S. Evergreen Park Dr. SW
PO Box 47250
Olympia, WA 98504-7250
Office Telephone: (360) 664-1257
Cell: (360) 701-1612
Fax: (360) 586-1150
From: Terrel A. Anderson [mailto:TAANDERS@UP.COM]
Sent: Tuesday, April 14, 2015 9:17 AM
To: Hunter, Kathy (UTC)
Subject: Fw: Park Rd application to replace existing cantilever with flashing lights with gates MP5.63 Spokane Valley DOT#662510F Spokane Sub
Kathy will the attachment work for the engineering drawing?
Please advise.
ThanksTerrel A. Anderson
Manager Industry & Public Projects
9451 Atkinson St.
Roseville CA. 95747
Office: 916 789-5134
Fax: 402 233-3066
When Making a submittal to UPRR ensure that the following information is in the email subject or your plan will be rejected.
Project type, % Plans, City, State, Street, RR Milepost, Subdivision, DOT#, and Lat/Long