Agenda Date: June 28, 2000 Item Number: Docket: UW-000833 Company Name: Harbor Hills Water Company Staff: Jim Ward, Revenue Requirements Specialist Penny Hansen, Public Involvement Coordinator Recommendation: Allow the tariff revisions as filed by Harbor Hills Water Company, in Docket UW-000833, to become effective July1, 2000, and issue an order requiring quarterly reports of capital improvement surcharge accounts. Discussion: On May 30, 2000, Harbor Hills Water Company, (Harbor Hills) filed for general rates in the amount of approximately $29,376 (32%) of additional revenue per year. Harbor Hills serves approximately 185 active domestic and 280 ready-to-serve customers north of Freeland, in Island County. Harbor Hills is seeking this rate change to cover the costs needed to operate and maintain the water system. These costs include recently completed capital projects. Expenditures to upgrade and replace infrastructure and meet state regulatory requirements have prompted filing for a capital improvement surcharge. Additionally, the company will be implementing a ready-to-serve charge to customers reserving capacity on the water system. The Commission has received seven letters opposed. Customers believe the proposal is too high and zero allowance unfair to large users . The Commission opened five consumer complaints. These complaints pertained to interruptions of service without notice to the customers and the odor and poor taste of the water. Commission staff investigated these complaints and found the company experienced many unscheduled interruptions from outside sources. There was one scheduled interruption in which the company posted a sign at the main entrances of the development four days prior to the interruption of service. The water quality issues only pertains to high levels of iron and manganese in the water system. The company is currently working with Department of Health for approval to install the ozone water treatment. No other water quality issues were detected. All five complaints have been closed. The annual active residential customer impact of these rates would be $85.20 ($25.20 in rates and surcharge of $60.) The annual ready-to-serve customer impact would be $120.00 ($60 in basic rates and $60 in surcharge rates.) The current and proposed rates are provided below: Monthly Rates Current Proposed Ready-to-serve N/A $ 5.00 3/4 Inch Customer Includes 12,000 gallons $ 25.00 N/A > 12,000 gallons (per 1,000 gallons) $ .45 N/A Monthly Rates Current Proposed 3/4 Inch Customer Zero Allowance N/A $ 20.00 0 - 5,000 gallons (per 1,000 gallons) N/A $ 1.50 5,000 - 10,000 gallons (per 1,000 gallonsN/A $ 2.50 >10,000 gallons (per 1,000 gallons) N/A $ 3.50 All rates are plus State Utility Tax Facilities Charge $3,000 $2,300 Capital Improvement Surcharge $ N/A $ 5.00 * * Applies to all customers both active and ready-to-serve. Regulatory Services Staff has reviewed the company's books and information to support the filing. Staff has found the proposed rates to be appropriate. The general rates would be used for general operating categories. The capital improvement surcharge and company's current facilities charge (service connection) would generate approximately $60,200 of additional revenue per year for a project total of approximately $638,000. The charges collected would be used to repay loans from the State Revolving Fund (SRF) for new capital improvements needed to comply with state regulations. The SRF loan will run for a period of 20 years and could be paid off earlier if additional customers connect to the water system. These capital projects includes new pressure reducing valves, additional fire hydrants and water treatment at the source wells. Staff recommends that the Commission allow the tariff revisions as filed by Harbor Hills Water Company, in Docket UW-000833 to become effective July 1, 2000, and issue an order requiring quarterly reports of capital improvement surcharge accounts.