BEFORE THE WASHINGTON UTILITIES AND TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION In the Matter of the Requested ) Waiver of Statutory Notice in ) DOCKET UW-000043 Connection with the Contract ) Filed by ) ORDER GRANTING LESS American Water Resources, Inc. ) THAN STATUTORY NOTICE ) BACKGROUND On January 12, 2000, American Water Resources, Inc., (American Water) filed with the Commission a contract for water system line extension. This line extension is to serve the property of Hugh and Rebecca Morgan (developer). This contract provides that American Water will install a water distribution main extension and related operating equipment and appurtenances to serve developer’s property. The associated cost for this main extension will be billed on a time and materials basis not to exceed $3,000.00. The costs associated with this project include labor at the rate of $45.00 per hour and materials at cost plus any applicable sales tax. The contract contains a late comers provision that if any connections are to be made to this new line extension within three years of the date of this contract, a payback amount equal to one third of the total final cost of this contract will be paid to developer. The contract bears an inserted effective date of February 11, 2000. This date recognizes statutory notice as required. The company requests, however, that statutory notice be waived and that the contract become effective January 27, 2000 to allow the developer to continue the building process in a timely manner. This request for less than statutory notice would meet the request of the developer and avoid any additional time. Since the contract filed herein is fair, just and reasonable, and waiver of statutory notice is consistent with the public interest, it is deemed appropriate that the company is granted the waiver it is requesting with an effective date of January 27, 2000. FINDINGS After careful examination of the contract filed herein by American Water Resources, Inc., January 12, 2000, and giving consideration to all relevant matters and for good cause shown, the Commission finds that the contract should become effective January 27, 2000. O R D E R THE COMMISSION THEREFORE ORDERS That the requested waiver of statutory notice in connection with the contract filed herein by American Water Resources, Inc., January 12, 2000, is hereby granted, and said contract will become effective January 27, 2000. DATED at Olympia, Washington, and effective this 26th day of January, 2000. WASHINGTON UTILITIES AND TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION CAROLE J. WASHBURN Secretary