BEFORE THE WASHINGTON UTILITIES AND TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION WASHINGTON UTILITIES AND ) DOCKET NO. UE-981238 TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION, ) ) FIFTH SUPPLEMENTAL Complainant, ) ORDER v. ) ) PREHEARING ) CONFERENCE ORDER PUGET SOUND ENERGY, ) ) Respondent. ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ) PREHEARING CONFERENCE: Administrative Law Judge Dennis J. Moss conducted a third prehearing conference in this proceeding at the Commission’s offices in Olympia, Washington on September 2, 1999. Previous prehearing conferences were conducted on December 15, 1998, and January 8, 1999. The January 8, 1999, conference was a joint conference with Air Liquide America Corporation, Air Products and Chemicals, Inc., The Boeing Company, Equilon Enterprises LLC, and Tesoro Northwest Co. v. Puget Sound Energy, Docket No. UE-981410, a related complaint proceeding. One result of the January 8, 1999, conference was an agreement by the parties, endorsed by the presiding officer, to hold Docket No. UE-981238 in abeyance pending the conclusion of Docket No. UE-981410. Docket No. UE-981410 was concluded before the Commission by entry of a final order on August 3, 1999. This prehearing conference was noticed on August 6, 1999. PARTIES: Matthew Harris, attorney, Seattle, Washington, represents Puget Sound Energy (PSE). Bradley Van Cleve, attorney, Portland, Oregon, and Melinda J. Horgan, attorney, Portland, Oregon, represent the Industrial Customers of Northwest Utilities (ICNU), Air Liquide America Corporation, Air Products and Chemicals, Inc., The Boeing Company, Equilon Enterprises LLC, and Tesoro Northwest Refining Company. Simon ffitch, Assistant Attorney General, Seattle, Washington, represents public counsel. Robert Cedarbaum, Assistant Attorney General, Olympia, Washington represents Commission Staff (Staff). PROCESS: By prior prehearing order, the Commission’s discovery rule, WAC 480-09-480, was invoked. The Commission entered a protective order on December 24, 1998. The parties’ request that discovery response time be reduced to five (5) days is granted. In other respects, discovery should proceed in accordance with the cited rule and consistent with the protective order. SCHEDULE: The parties propose, and the presiding officer agrees to, the following procedural schedule: PSE prefiled direct testimony September 21, 1999 Staff and Intervenor testimony October 13, 1999 PSE rebuttal testimony October 27, 1999 Evidentiary Hearings November 9-10, 1999 Simultaneous Briefs November 24, 1999 WITNESS AND EXHIBITS LISTS: At least three business days before the first hearing day, each party must provide the presiding Administrative Law Judge and each other party a list of witnesses in the order they will appear and a list of exhibits along with copies of any exhibits proposed to be used during cross-examination. These materials need not be filed with the Commission. FILING; COPIES OF MATERIALS: Filing can be accomplished by mail to the Commission Secretary, Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission, P.O. Box 47250, 1300 S. Evergreen Park Drive, S.W. Olympia, Washington 98504-7250, or by hand delivery to the Commission Secretary via the Commission’s records center at 1300 S. Evergreen Park Drive, S.W., Olympia, Washington, 98504. An original plus twelve (12) copies, and an electronic version of all pleadings, motions, briefs, and other prefiled materials must be filed with the Commission. Parties must bring adequate copies of exhibits to the hearing to allow distribution of two copies to the Administrative Law Judge and one copy each to the witness and the parties. Exhibits provided the parties via prehearing exchange of prefiled testimony and exhibits need not be provided to those parties again at hearing. NOTICE TO PARTIES: Any objection to the provisions of this Order must be filed within ten (10) days after the date of mailing of this statement, pursuant to WAC 480-09-460(2). Absent such objections, this prehearing conference order will control further proceedings in this matter, subject to Commission review. DATED at Olympia, Washington, and effective this 7th day of September, 1999. WASHINGTON UTILITIES AND TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION DENNIS J. MOSS, Administrative Law Judge