April 15, 1998 Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission PO Box 47250 Olympia, Washington 98504-7250 Re: Obligation to serve issues Docket No. UT-970325 The following comments are a collective response from some of the neighbors in the allegedly unserved area of Carlton known as Libby Creek. We appreciate this opportunity to comment, and we are hopeful that more than 20 years of misunderstanding between the residents and the Utilities Commission can be resolved through the current process. I have included an information packet regarding our recent history, and I hope you have all had time to review this ongoing situation. Since the Commission is about to revise rules (and perhaps policy?) regarding the obligation to serve issue, the problems this neighborhood has experienced may provide useful information if indeed, Universal Access is to be achieved for all people in the State of Washington. Briefly, we appear to be in an unserved area, although this has not been satisfactorily substantiated to us. The process of accessing service has been extremely confusing, the factors being: 15 families excluded from receiving phone service, while watching the rest of their community receiving free hookups. The State Commission unreliably responding to the many requests for service and information. Two phone companies adjacent to the allegedly “unclaimed territory” with the preferred company preferring not to serve us. Our Comments on Docket No.970325: #4 “are …designated (tarriffed) service areas appropriate…?) NO! Settlers homesteaded this area over 100 years ago and 2 phone companies are adjacent to us. How can such an ommission of an entire neighborhood be perpetuated? #5 We recommend a case-by- case approach to designate a provider(s), because our experience is that a more general approach excludes a situation like ours from ever being resolved. Criteria to be used to designate a provider must include access to our economic and social infrastructure through a local exchange. We need to access our jobs, businesses, schools, emergency services and social activities. Comment on #11 (?): Concerning the obligation to serve requirement, other issues not addressed here are the Commission”s responsibility to adequately inform the public of the process involved to acauire service, the State’s responsibility to ensure that all people can have reasonable access and the Commission”s policy requiring the public and/or individuals to pay specific costs. Comment on item #12: Re:Wireless providers- Many of us have experienced wireless service and pay high bills while receiving mediocre signals resulting in unreliable, intermittant service. The factors of remoteness and still-developing technology result in a barely functioning service which people living in Western Washington cannot imagine. While I hope new rules and policies will be developed that truly give Universal Access to all, I also hope that this community’s reign of errors could finally be resolved. 911 Service would be a blessing to all of us who have lived through the terrors of life-threatening accidents and fires and the isolation of Phonelessness. Thanks for all your considerations, Joyce Campbell POBox 247 Carlton, Washington 98814 509-679-1203 Some of my neighbors concerned with this are: Sylvia and Ray Robertson Donna Bresnahan Joni Hager Wendy and Bill Snook Carol Alexander Mark and Laurie Seaburg Ron and Cheri Lorenzen Judy Olson The Moore Family Tara and Charles Lightwalker Bob and Sandy Shulman The Doane Family Kermit and Bevery Nykreim