October 15, 1999 NOTICE OF OPPORTUNITY TO FILE SUPPLEMENTAL COMMENTS (November 10, 1999) Re: In the Matter of the Petition of ADVANCED TELECOM GROUP, INC., NEXTLINK WASHINGTON, INC., ELECTRIC LIGHTWAVE, INC., FRONTIER LOCAL SERVICES, INC., AND FRONTIER TELEMANAGEMENT, INC., for a Declaratory Order or Interpretive and Policy Statement on 47 U.S.C. § 252(i) and 47 C.F.R. § 51.809 Docket No. UT-990355 TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: On June 15, 1999, the above-named competitive local exchange companies (CLECs), as joint petitioners, filed with the Commission a petition for declaratory order or a Commission interpretive and policy statement pursuant to RCW 34.05.240 and WAC 480-09-200 and 480-09-230 (Petition). On June 29, 1999, the Commission served notice on interested persons calling for a statement of fact and law on the matters alleged in the Petition, and the applicability of the cited federal statutes and FCC rules to the request for a Commission declaratory order or interpretive and policy statement. Commission Staff is generally persuaded by comments received in this matter that the Commission should issue an interpretive and policy statement, and a draft statement is attached. Contemporaneous with the development of an interpretive and policy statement, Commission Staff intends to recommend that the Commission initiate a rulemaking proceeding to consider whether rules are necessary to implement 47 U.S.C. § 252(i) and 47 C.F.R. § 51.809, and if so, what rules might be necessary. NOTICE IS GIVEN That the Commission invites interested persons to file supplemental comments in this matter no later than November 10, 1999. The Commission requests that persons filing comments focus on the language of the draft interpretive and policy statement, and any other issues they deem relevant to the subject matter. The Commission additionally requests that commenters proposing alternate approaches to the draft statement developed by Staff provide alternative language to the language of the attached draft interpretive and policy statement. The Commission also asks that commenters file an original plus 10 copies of their comments, and provide comments electronically on a 3½-inch, high density diskette, in WordPerfect version 5.1, 6.0, 6.1, or 8.0 for IBM-compatible computers, labeled with the commenter’s name, type of software used, and bearing Docket No. UT-990355. Comments should be submitted to Secretary, Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission, 1300 S Evergreen Park Drive SW, P O Box 47250, Olympia, Washington 98504-7250, or by electronic mail to , bearing Docket No. UT-990355. Questions regarding this proceeding may be addressed to Jing Roth, Commission Staff, at 360-664-1291. Sincerely, Carole J. Washburn Secretary Attachment