Docket No. A-970591 December 10, 1997 Page 1 Agenda Date: December 10, 1997 Item Number: Docket No.: A-970591 Company Names: Administrative - General Amendment of the Commission's procedural and organizational rules in Chapters 480-04 WAC (Public Access to Information and Records), and 480-11 WAC (SEPA); repeal of Chapter 480-35 WAC (Limousine charter party carriers); Chapter 480-69 WAC (Railroad companies - Track scales) and Chapter 480-150 WAC (Compliance with Economic Stabilization Act of 1970) Staff: Bob Wallis, Review Judge Jeffrey Showman, Policy Analyst Recommendation: Repeal chapters 480-35, 480-69, and 480-150 and amend chapters 480-04 and 480-11. Discussion: Under the requirements of Executive Order 97-02, the Commission has begun its review of its rules for need; effectiveness and efficiency; clarity; intent and statutory authority; coordination with other governmental requirements; cost to the regulated; and fairness. These chapters are among the first to be reviewed. The chapters slated for repeal relate to programs for which the Commission no longer has responsibilities. Chapter 480-11 is the Commission’s acknowledgment of its responsibilities under SEPA, the State Environmental Policy Act. It adopts by reference rules that have been adopted by the Department of Ecology. Chapter 480-04 is the Commission’s rule relating to access to public information. Neither of these chapters required significant substantive changes. Chapter 480-04 is amended to reflect current addresses and Commission structure. Both chapters are amended to reflect new approaches to clear rule writing, and to make them more “user-friendly.” We have proposed some changes to the text of chapter 480-04 to reflect what we believe to be additional improvements in readability since the Commission filed the notice of proposed rulemaking with the Code Reviser. We received no comments on the proposed amendment or repeal of these chapters. Commission Staff recommends that the Commission repeal the obsolete chapters and adopt the amendments to chapters 480-04 and 480-11 WAC. Attachment