COMMISSION WASHINGTON UTILITIES AND ) TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION, ) Complainant, ) vs. ) DOCKET NO. UG-971071 THE WASHINGTON WATER POWER ) VOLUME 2 COMPANY, ) ( PAGES 30-33 ) Respondent. ) --------------------------------- A public hearing in the above matter was held on December 17, 1997 at 7:00 p.m., at 710 Sleater-Kinney Road Southeast, Suite Q, Lacey, Washington, before Administrative Law Judge MARJORIE SCHAER, Commissioners DICK HEMSTAD and BILL GILLIS, and Chairwoman ANNE LEVINSON. The parties were present as follows: THE WASHINGTON UTILITIES AND TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION STAFF, by ROBERT CEDARBAUM, Assistant Attorney General, 1400 South Evergreen Park Drive Southwest, Olympia, Washington 98504, and PENNY HANSEN, (via video in Spokane.) THE PUBLIC, by SIMON FFITCH, Assistant Attorney General, 900 Fourth Avenue, Suite 2000, Seattle, Washington 98164. THE WASHINGTON WATER POWER COMPANY, by DAVID MEYER, Attorney at Law, (via video in Spokane), 717 West Sprague, Suite 1200, Spokane, Washington 99204. Kathryn T. Wilson, CCR Court Reporter P R O C E E D I N G S JUDGE SCHAER: The hearing will come to order. This hearing was set by notice of hearing dated December 4th, 1997. Today's date is December 17th, 1997. This is a hearing before The Utilities and Transportation Commission for the purpose of taking public testimony on a settlement proposal between the Washington Water Power Company, Commission staff, Public Counsel, and intervenors, the Northwest Industrial Gas Users, and Northwest Alloys, Inc. in Docket No. UG-971071, which is request for a general increase in natural gas rates proposed by the Washington Water Power Company. My name is Marjorie Schaer. I'm the administrative law judge assigned to these proceedings, and we are in the Washington Interactive Television video conference room in Lacey, Washington. Also with us this evening are representatives of the Washington Water Power Company and a representative of the Commission staff who are present at the video conference site in Spokane, Washington. At present, there are no members of the public at either site who have come to testify on this proposal, so I will not, at this point, go through and explain the procedure that would be followed if some members of the public were to appear. To my right, and I believe to your left looking at the camera, are the members of the Commission, Chairwoman Anne Levinson, Commissioner William Gillis, and Commissioner Dick Hemstad. At this point, I would like to take appearances from counsel beginning with public counsel please, Mr. ffitch? MR. FFITCH: Simon ffitch, assistant attorney general for the public counsel section. Would you like the address and additional information? JUDGE SCHAER: I think that's adequate. Commission staff? MR. CEDARBAUM: My name is Robert Cedarbaum. I'm also an assistant attorney general representing the Commission staff. JUDGE SCHAER: Moving to Spokane, would you appear for the company, Mr. Meyer? MR. MEYER: David Meyer for the Washington Water Power Company. JUDGE SCHAER: And finally, representing the Commission in Spokane is Ms. Penny Hansen. What I'm going to suggest at this point is that we go off the record and wait for about 10 minutes to see if anyone appears, and if no one does, we then adjourn the hearing. Is there anyone who wishes to comment on that? We're off the record. (Off the record.) JUDGE SCHAER: Let's be back on the record. It's now 7:15 in the evening, and we have waited to see if any members of the public have joined us either in Spokane or Lacey, so at this point, I am planning to adjourn the hearing. Is there anything further to come before us today? Hearing nothing, this hearing will recommence at 1:30 in the afternoon on Monday, and until then, we are off the record. ( Public hearing adjourned at 7:15 p.m.)