U S WEST Reply Comments Docket No. UT-970325 Petition for Investigation into the Cost of Universal Service and to Reform Intrastate Carrier Access Charges I. Introduction The Telecommunications Act of 1996 requires universal service funding support to be an explicit charge. The current state high cost fund is based on revenues collected through an explicit Universal Service Fund charge element of switched access service . In addition, implicit subsidy revenues are collected from a variety of other incumbent local exchange companies (ILEC’s) services, including switched access service. Because ILEC’s must impute switched access charges to their toll rates, ILEC toll services also contain the same implicit subsidy contained within switched access service rates. Numerous other services contain more significant sources of implicit subsidy than switched access service. For example, ILEC local exchange services offered at statewide averaged rates also contain implicit subsidies, where high cost customers are subsidized by low cost customers. Business basic exchange customers subsidize the rates of high cost residence customers, therefore they also contain implicit subsidies. However, while the parties continue to address this concern in the numerous comments and presentations that have been made in Docket UT-970325, the Commission notices and staff comments continue to focus on only the removal of implicit support contained within switched access service rates as part of redefining the State universal service high cost fund. While U S WEST is not opposed to addressing implicit subsidies on a phased basis, U S WEST cannot support elimination of only implicit subsidies contained within the rates charged to wholesale customers. Unless comparable subsidies are also eliminated from equivalent ILEC toll services and other services providing subsidies, such companies