Agenda Date: July 8, 1998 Item Number: Docket: UT-971664 Rulemaking concerning the Washington Telephone Assistance Program (WTAP) client mechanisms. Company Name: Telecommunications Companies - General Staff: Rebecca Beaton, Regulatory Consultant Bob Shirley, Regulatory Consultant Bob Wallis, Review Judge Recommendation: Adopt rule language governing administration of the Washington Telephone Assistance Program in Docket UT-971664. Direct the Secretary to file the rules with the Code Reviser. Discussion: On May 8, 1997, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) issued its Report and Order, FCC Order No.97-157 (FCC Order) implementing key portions of Section 254 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996 (the Federal Act), which addresses universal service. Among other matters, the order identified services to be supported by federal universal service funds and the mechanisms whereby such funding will be provided. Funding support for state telephone assistance programs and LIFELINE services were among the items earmarked for federal funding. A revised LIFELINE program was made available to all states with matching support funds available beginning January 1, 1998. The Department of Social and Health Services (DSHS) has, by legislative mandate, the jurisdiction and responsibility of funding the state telephone assistance and federal LIFELINE programs. DSHS informed the Washington Commission that the agency intends to accept additional funding and will implement such through various options. Due to the dynamic nature of the program and the federal and state support mechanisms, the method of revising the client base must be flexible to assure continued universal service discounts are passed through to clients without delay as they become available. The increasing competition in the telecommunications industry may require innovative and rapid revisions to support programs. This action is consistent with Washington’s telecommunications policy goal of preservation of affordable universal service as enunciated in RCW 80.36.300. It is further noted that RCW 80.36.410-475 adequately addresses the specifics for WTAP program implementation, client base and administrative requirements. On March 25, 1998, the Commission ordered a Preproposal statement of inquiry (CR-101) issued to the Code Reviser to begin the process of adopting rule revisions. The Department of Social and Health Services (DSHS), WTAP administrators filed comments in support of the proposal and no opposition was filed. DSHS has, under RCW 80.36.410-475, the Docket UT-971664 June 8, 1998 Page 2 jurisdiction and responsiblity for administration of many aspects of the state telephone assistance and LIFELINE programs. On May 28, 1998, Staff proposed administrative amendments to WAC 480-122-020 (Washington Telephone Assistance Program Rate) and WAC 480-120-070 (Recovery of Costs). The Commission issued a Proposed Rulemaking (CR-102) with rule language to the Code Reviser. The Washington Independent Telephone Association filed comments in support of the proposal to amend WAC 480-12-020 and 070. Once again, no opposition to the proposed rules was received. The proposed rule revisions before the Commission are for the purpose of reducing the administrative effort and time needed to respond to changes in state and federal telephone assistance policies. Staff recommends that the Commission adopt these rules on a permanent basis. Attachment